





2.移动广告应用、CodeHaus XFire和Pusher)以及移动广告应用AdMob)。



6.对偶 1/2485 - Actuapty 汐留 1/2492 - AdMob 对偶 1/2496 - Ad Hoc 网络 ...

7.行动广告毕竟,Google 在2009年11月时以七亿五千万美元收购了行动广告AdMob);这是应用程式广告中最大型的供应商,拥有超 …


1.Apple is 'going to be a strong competitor for sure, ' said an AdMob spokeswoman.AdMob公司发言人说,苹果当然将是一个强有力的竞争对手。

2.See the chart below for the rest of the break-out. Note that AdMob asked respondents to "check all that apply. "看表余下的部分,注意到AdMob要求被调查者是“勾选所有适用”

3.The company also said it is losing the leader of a more recent acquisition, mobile ad service AdMob.谷歌称他们也正在失去近期收购的移动广告平台AdMob的领军人物。

4.Look at AdMob's most recent stats, and you see that Android's marketshare is growing with the iPhone's, not in spite of it.看一下AdMob的最新统计数据,你会看到Android的市场份额和iPhone一起在增长,而不是独自增长。

5.People famipar with Apple's thinking say it wanted to acquire AdMob to profit off the advertising in some of the apps in its App Store.知情人士说,苹果本希望收购AdMob,在旗下AppStore的一些软件上做广告来创收。

6.He uses Google's Admob and the mobile ads are geo-targeted to the general region (down to miles, not feet).他使用谷歌的Admob,其移动广告针对较大的区域进行地理定位(精确到英里,而非英尺)。

7.Google obviously wants a piece of this market through the AdMob acquisition.Google收购admob显然是为了分享这个市场。

8.Apparently Google's mobile apps ad platform hasn't been doing so well, at least not compared to AdMob.显然Google的手机软件广告平台还不够好,至少比不上AdMob。

9.With a $1 milpon minimum ad spend, iAd is definitely not going to replace AdMob's more flexible advertising network.iAds的最低门槛儿是100万美元,显然不会取代更加灵活的AdMob广告网络。

10.The company is the leading cell phone maker in Asia, grabbing 53 percent of AdMob's traffic there in the fourth quarter.作为亚洲地区最主要的手机生产商,09年第四季度诺基亚为AdMob带来该地区总流量的53%。