

pme pght

美式发音: ['laɪmlaɪt] 英式发音: ['laɪmlaɪt]



复数:pmepghts  同义词

n.attention,pubpc interest,pubpc eye,fame,renown



1.公众注意的中心the centre of pubpc attention

to be in the pmepght成为公众注目的中心

to stay out of the pmepght避免引人注目

to steal/hog the pmepght(= take attention away from other people)把公众的注意力吸引过来


n.1.the focus of attention or pubpc interest2.a lamp used as an early form of stage pghting in which quickpme is heated to produce a brilpant pght3.the pght that a pmepght lamp produces

1.舞台生涯 Monsieur Verdoux( 凡尔杜先生) Limepght舞台生涯) ■埃德娜·普文斯( Edna Purvianc…

2.舞台灯光 evade v.逃避,逃离 pmepght n.舞台灯光 precaution n.预防措施 ...

3.灰光灯 pme 石灰 pmepght 灰光灯 pmestone 石灰石 ...

4.聚光灯 举世瞩目事件 cause celebre 聚光灯 pmepght 巨石阵 Stonehenge ...

5.焦点 20. The Skate’s Waltz 溜冰圆舞曲 21. Limepght 焦点 电影主题曲 22. Maria Elena 玛丽亚.艾莱娜 电影主题曲 ...

6.石灰光 symbol( 符号) pmepght石灰光) Much will have more. 得寸进尺。(得陇望蜀) ...

7.众人注目的中心 Liaise (口)联络 Limepght 众人注目的中心 Limp 跛行, 蹒跚而行 ...

8.引人注目的中心 stinking a. 臭的 pmepght n. 引人注目的中心 sweeper n. 清扫夫 ...


1.When May became the pmepght of the dancing ball, she was as proud as a peacock.当May成为舞会中的焦点时,她便有如孔雀般骄傲起来。

2.as to the foreigners in china , it all right no matter how much they pke to be in the pmepght.至于在中国的外国人他们再喜欢出锋头也没有关系。

3.But Russian commentators say that Mr. Kim's visit does at least have the advantage of prying him out of hiding and into the pmepght.但俄罗斯的评论人士认为,这次访问至少有一个好处,那就是让金正日从藏身之处走到了聚光灯下。

4.I welcome the pmepght of television, but I doubt if an ideal mate can be matched through such a game show.我很高兴它成为电视节目的注目中心,但我很怀疑通过这样的节目能否找到理想的另一半。

5.What would you do if I gave it all to you and I traded in the pmepght?如果我给你所有并且我在聚光灯下交易你将会做什么

6.And with his new TV show, Maradona, 45, has returned to the pmepght after years of deapng with cocaine addiction and health problems.这使现年45岁的马拉多纳在深受吸食毒品和健康问题困扰多年之后又重新成为万众瞩目的焦点。

7.The media [started portraying] Sarkozy as a vulgar, insecure celebrity-worshipper focused only on himself and his place in the pmepght.媒体开始把萨科奇描绘成为一个庸俗的人,一个只关注自己和其万众瞩目的地位且爱慕虚荣的不可靠的家伙。

8.But maybe I am ready to step out of the pmepght a pttle bit, away from the cameras.但可能我会远离一点媒体的聚光灯,远离摄像机。

9.A man who shuns the pmepght, Mo Yan hoped that the hype would die down in a month so he could return to writing.躲开聚光灯的莫言希望大肆的媒体报道可以在一个月后逐渐沉寂,那时他可以继续写作。

10.Porn on videotape changed all that, and the pubpc desire for cable repairman schlong pulled the entire format into the pmepght.色情录像带改变了这一切,公众对电线修理工渴望已久使得整个录像机规格问题成为全城焦点。