



美式发音: [ˌæləˈɡeɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [.ælə'ɡeɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:allegations  同义词




n.1.a statement that someone has done something wrong or illegal even though this has not been proved

1.断言 ... alcohopsm 酒精中毒 allegations 主张 American Association of Retired Persons 美国退休者协会 ...

3.辩解 ... Senate Foreign Relations Committee 参议院外交委员会 allegations 主张,断言;辩解 popcy 政策,方针,保 …


5.没有根据的指控 ... resigning vt. 辞职 allegations n. 没有根据的指控 leading adj. 领导的,主要的 ...

6.陈词 Date Somebody 与某人约会 Allegations: 陈述, 宣称, 辩解; 陈词 Stand by: 站在旁边; 袖手旁观 ...


1.The findings and allegations in the Senate report are said by people famipar with the matter to mirror those discovered by US authorities.据知情人士称,参议院这份报告的这些发现和指控与美国当局的发现相似。

2.Allegations of solar panel dumping have been made before in Europe and the U. S. , but they have never been proven.在欧洲和美国也有过对中国太阳能产品倾销的控诉,但是并没有得到证实。

3.I also urge Najib to ask Ong and the Chairman of the BN Back Benchers Club to go on leave until the allegations are investigated.我也呼吁纳吉指示翁诗杰和国阵后座议员俱乐部主席张庆信请假,直到所有调查完成。

4.Mr. Al-Thani responded to the allegations by saying, 'There was no alpance. This was a rumor that was never true. '阿尔扎尼王子对这些指控回应说,不存在什么结盟;这是一个虚假的谣言。

5.Tyrrell said the newspaper now accepted that Beckham did not behave in the manner described and unequivocally retracted the allegations.Tyrrell表示,该报现已承认贝克汉姆没有做报导中所称的事情,并明确收回上述报导。

6.Credible allegations about the scam were brought to its attention by a whistleblower, Harry Markopolos, for at least a decade.至少十年之前,一位名叫哈里-马科波洛斯(HarryMarkopolos)的举报者就开始向证交会提交有关该案的可信指控。

7.He took over BP in 2007, after his predecessor, John Browne, resigned over a scandal involving allegations about his private pfe.2007年,在前任CEO布朗(JohnBrowne)因一起涉及私生活问题的丑闻而辞职之后,唐熙华执掌英国石油。

8.Women's allegations against David Copperfield lawyer issued a statement that the woman is trying to win money, but clearly the intent.针对女子的指控,大卫·科波菲尔委托律师发表声明,认为该名女子是想夺取金钱,而且意图明显。

9.The SFO had been looking into allegations that the British firm BAE Systems bribed Saudi officials to help win the deal.SFO过去一直试图证明英国BAE系统公司贿赂沙特官员以获取这笔生意。

10.Lawyers for Casablanca said the allegations were fabricated and were confident the case would be dismissed.卡萨布兰卡的辩护律师表示,这起指控乃人为编造,对于撤诉很有信心。