


美式发音: [ˈsikrəsi] 英式发音: [ˈsiːkrəsi]




v.+n.ensure secrecy

Adj.+n.strict secrecy





1.保密;秘密the fact of making sure that nothing is known about sth; the state of being secret

the need for absolute secrecy in this matter在这件事情上绝对保密的必要性

Everyone involved was sworn to secrecy .所有相关人员均被要求宣誓保密。

The whole affair is still shrouded in secrecy .整个事件依旧秘而不宣。


n.1.a situation in which you keep something secret, or the process of keeping something secret

1.秘密 cy 形状,状态,职位/ ? secrecy 秘密, fancy 幻想 - ...

2.保密 romantic a. 浪漫的 secrecy n. 保密 sexy a. 性感的 ...

3.保密性 secrecy and confidentiapty clause 保密条款 secrecy 秘密;保密;隐蔽 secret code 密码 ...

5.秘密性 secondary adj. 中级的,次要的,第二的 secrecy n. 秘密,秘密状态 secretary n. 秘书,国务卿 ...

7.保密度 5.1 锁具 lock 5.2 保密度 secrecy 5.3 牢固度 firmness ...



1.Are we about to see another revolt against government secrecy snuffed out, or has WikiLeaks ushered in a more lasting change?反对的政府秘密这种呼声会再次戛然而止吗,还是维基解密已经带来了一场更为长久的变革?

2.To kids, this is about secrecy and a happy ending, about trying to be grown up when people say you can't be.对孩子们来说,这本书是关于秘密和美好结局,以及当人们说你不能够的时候尽力去成长。

3.Your earper messages were written to me in the format of 'secrecy'. So only you and I can read, and not the others.您之前写给我的留言是以隐藏形式发出的,所以只能您和我能看到,其他人无法看到。

4.SRB's decisions are shrouded in secrecy, making it virtually impossible to assess accurately how much the Chinese government has bought.由于国储局的决定隐秘,让外界几乎不可能准确评估中国政府的买入规模。

5.She was one of a set of twins, born in secrecy and protected from Vader and the Emperor.阿纳金的妻子秘密生下了一对双胞胎,莱娅就是其中的妹妹,她被保护起来,免受维德和皇帝的伤害。

6.I had not supposed any secrecy intended, as they openly correspond, and their marriage is universally talked of.我以为这并不是什么秘密了,因为他们已经公开通信,大家都在谈他们结婚的事哩。

7.There's tremendous traditions, there's secrecy, and I'm trying to use a very scientific approach.这里面有很多的传统和秘密,而我尝试用一种十分科学的方式来烹饪。

8.I never should have mentioned it to you if I had not felt the greatest dependence in the world upon your secrecy.如果我没有感到您是世界上最可以信任的、能够保守秘密的人,我就永远不会向您吐露这件事了。

9.White House officials who pride themselves on secrecy were quick to say they were not the source of that leak.以保密自诩的白宫官员随即声称他们不是泄密的来源。

10.Sometimes the secrecy goes to such an extent that the whole nature of the research cannot be mentioned.有时,保密达到了研究工作的整个性质都不准提及的程度。