




1.清水 Shekou 蛇口 中国 东亚 514 Shimizu 清水 日本 东亚 515 Shuidong 水东 中国 东亚 516 ...


3.清水建设株式会社 Shekou 蛇口中国东亚 Shimizu 清水日本东亚 Shuidong 水东中国东亚 ...

6.日本株式会社清水日本株式会社清水(Shimizu) 新科(Shin Tek)化工有限公司 广东顺兴(Shun Xing)磷铜厂精工(SII NanoTechnology)盈司电子科技( …


1.Shimizu said that when he raised the idea at the time of IT a Japanese edition, colleagues said it wouldn't sell.清水说,那时他发起出版《爸爸》杂志的日文版,但同事们对此都不太看好。

2.Even some of the analysts who cover Tepco say that they have had pttle sense of Mr. Shimizu as a top manager.甚至是一些关注东京电力公司的分析人士也说,他们对清水正孝作为总裁没有什么感觉。

3."We're trying to instill the idea that for various reasons, people were protesting when they answered no-no, " Mr. Shimizu said.“我们想要告诉大家的是,出于很多原因,他们在说‘不’时,其实是在抗议,”清水宏说。

4.She said she would probably have married the actress Jenny Shimizu if she hadn't married her first husband Jonny Lee Miller, the actor.她说如果自己没有和第一任丈夫、演员强尼·李·米勒结婚的话可能会和女演员清水珍妮结婚。

5.Son, of that group back to the snow, at room temperature, the slowly melting into Yihong Shimizu, reflecting no regrets.儿子带回的那团雪,在室温里,慢慢融化,成一泓清水,映照无悔。

6.The Bank of Japan trumpeted the appointment of Tokiko Shimizu, 45, as its first female branch manager .日本央行对于任命现年45岁的清水季子(TokikoShimizu)为首任女性分行行长一事大加宣传。

7.' 'Tepco will respond to growing demand for nuclear power generation around the world, ' it quoted Mr. Shimizu as saying.文章援引清水正孝的话说,东京电力公司将对全球不断增长的核电需求做出反应。

8.The two men then talked about Mr. Shimizu's showing his strength by walking with one-kilogram weights on his legs.随后,两个人谈到了清水正孝在腿上负重一公斤步行,以展示其意志力。

9.Dear shimizu I really want to tell you that I love you.亲爱的师婕妤涐真的好想亲口对你说我爱你。

10.Masataka Shimizu at the press conference did not mention 5 and No. 6 reactor's future fate.清水正孝在记者会上没有提及第5和第6号反应堆的未来命运。