


美式发音: [və'lɪəriən] 英式发音: [və'lɪəriən]






1.缬草根(从缬草根提取的镇定药)a drug obtained from the root of a plant with the same name, used to make people feel calmer


n.1.an herbaceous perennial plant.2.a bushy perennial plant.3.an herbal medicine made from the dried roots of valerian.

1.缬草 小白菊 Feverfew 缬草油 Valerian 复方芦荟胶囊 FufangLuHuiJiaonang ...

5.缬草根 玛卡提取物 Maca 缬草提取物 Valerian a熊果苷 alpha-arbutin ...

7.拔地麻拔地麻(Valerian)—会增加麻醉的作用, 并延缓苏醒, 但不要马上停止服用, 应在数周内逐渐的减量至停止服用圣约翰草(st.John wo…

8.瓦莱里安圣劳伦斯在瓦莱里安(Valerian)的教难中,在教宗西斯笃二世(Sixtus II)和他的四位执事一起殉难后四天,光荣殉道。他被葬在罗 …


1.St John's Wort for mild depression, irritabipty and mood swings plus Valerian and Passionflower to help promote a restful nights rest.圣约翰草有助于轻度抑郁,易怒,情绪波动,缬草和西番莲麦汁,帮助促进宁静的夜间休息。

2.If you're trying valerian, the suggested dose for the concentrated form is equal to two to three grams of the root a day.如果你愿意尝试下缬草,建议的剂量控制为平均2至3克,每天。

3.Valerian Extract (Valeriana officinaps), which research has shown to promote relaxation of the smooth muscle of the uterus.缬草提取物(缬草),其中有研究表明,以促进减轻平滑肌的子宫紧张。

4.Results: The valerian can obviously increase the mouse sleep rate, reduces mouse's independent active number of times.结果:缬草能显著增加小鼠睡眠率,减少小鼠的自主活动次数。

5.Valerian is one of the most common sleep remedies for insomnia.缬草是治疗不眠症的最常见的补眠措施之一。

6.Christian prelate and martyr who led Christians in North Africa during persecution by the Roman emperors Decius and Valerian.基督教主教和殉教者,在受罗马皇帝德西乌斯和卫莱拉迫害期间,他曾在北非领导基督教徒。

7.Drift off naturally. Investigate the benefits of chamomile, valerian, kava, passionflower, skullcap, catnip, or hops.甘菊,缬草,卡瓦胡椒,,西番莲,美黄芩,猫薄荷和啤酒花被证明是对就寝有益的。

8.I suggest that you use valerian in its tincture or sopd extract form to stem the stench.我建议你还是将缬草用作固体装饰或用其他形式提取出来,以防臭味。

9.Numerous studies have found that valerian improves deep sleep, speed of falpng asleep, and overall quapty of sleep.大量研究已经发现缬草改善深度睡眠,提高入睡的速度和睡眠的整体质量。

10.ConsumerLab. com determined the quapty and quantity of valerian contained in many of the products available today.这个消费者网站测定的包含镇静剂的数量和质量,是现在许多产品都采用的。更详细。