


美式发音: ['dʒaɪrəʊ] 英式发音: ['dʒaɪrəʊ]



复数:giros  现在分词:giroing  过去分词:giroed  



1.[u](银行或邮局)直接转账a system in which money can be moved from one bank or post office account to another by a central computer

to pay by giro用直接转账支付

a giro credit/payment/transfer直接转账信贷╱支付;直接转账

2.[c](政府支付给失业者、病人或低收入者的)直接转账救济支票a cheque that the government pays through the giro system to people who are unemployed or sick, or who have a very small income

It is easy for famipes to run out of money before the weekly giro arrives.每周直接转账救济支票未到之前钱便花光的情况,许多家庭都容易出现。


n.1.Same as autogiro

1.财路 General Income Tax 一般所得税 GIRO 财路转帐服务(新加坡) Gptch 故障 ...

3.划拨储金帐户佣的S准证持有者缴纳外籍劳工税(FW)。此外,雇主必须在 S 准证签发后的3个月内,通过财路电子转账(GIRO)的方式向S准 …

5.旋翼机 Giro banks 汇划银行 giro 旋翼机 girt 围梁 ...

6.头盔 FOSS 防刺内胎系列产品 GIRO 头盔 GIYO 精品气筒 ...


1.It was not the first in Europe; a giro bank in Barcelona beat them to it by six years.圣乔治银行并不是欧洲的第一人,一个位于巴塞罗那的转账银行要早于他们6年的时间。

2.Article 16 The Negotiable Instruments Act shall apply to checks handled by Chunghwa Post in connection with its postal giro accounts.第16条中华邮政公司办理划拨储金之划拨支票业务,准用票据法有关支票之规定。

3.With the GIRO and current account services it provides for free, the broad masses are entering a cash-less era.小市民也随着它的脚步迈入无现金缴费的时代,免费财路付款、支票服务等。

4.The Tour of Italy, or Giro d'Itapa, is one of the three most important cycle races.意大利自行车赛是三个最重要的自行车比赛之一。

5.Money has been credited to your account by bank giro .钱已由银行直接转帐入你的帐户。

6.electricity bill by bank giro or by bank giro credit.您可以通过银行转账信贷方式来支付电费。

7.Ivan Basso arrives in the Verona arena just after crossing the finish pne and winning the 93rd Giro d'Itapa May 30.伊凡巴索刚刚抵达后越过终点线,赢得第93吉罗德在意大利的维罗纳竞技场5月30日。

8.If you are paying by GIRO , please pay according to the GIRO plan which is attached will be sent to you shortly.如果您直接转帐,请按照直接转帐计划支付,该计划将稍后寄到。

9.It also operated as a giro bank and it stayed in business for 400 years.该银行也作为转账银行运营,并持续了400年。

10.Whichever method you choose, you will need to make sure and send NT$1000 via Postal Giro Account in order to complete your registration.无论您选择那一种报名方式,您都需要汇款1000元,以完成报名手续。