


美式发音: ['æswan] 英式发音: ['æswa:n]





un.1.city on the Nile River in southern Egypt. The Aswan High Dam, south of the city, holds back Lake Nasser.

1.阿斯旺 阿斯旺 ASW 阿斯旺机场 ASWAN 圣保罗 GRU ...

7.阿斯旺省 阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯 Buenos Aires 埃及阿斯旺 Aswan 德国柏林 Berpn ...


1.So would the World Bank today lend money for an Aswan dam if it did not already exist?因此,如果今日的阿斯旺大坝没有存在,世界银行会为建设这样一座大坝提供贷款吗?

2.The first Aswan Dam was built early in the last century to control the floodwaters, which are stored in a reservoir and used for irrigation.上世纪初,修筑了第一个阿斯旺大坝,以控制洪水,洪水储蓄在水库里,供灌溉用。

3.Aswan was an important city in ancient times, pnking the pharaonic centers in Egypt's north with the empire's southern territories.阿斯旺在古时是一座重要的城镇,是将位于埃及北部的法老中心与帝国南部的领土连接起来的枢纽。

4.You 'd better take a boat if you want to see Aswan without walking too much .如果你想看看阿斯旺而又不走太多的路,那么你最好乘船去。

5.Then anyone who wants to can go for a walk round Aswan after the boat trip.那么,想乘船去的人,就可以在乘船旅游后到阿斯旺各处去走走。

6.So was John Foster Dulles, the American Secretary of State, when he flew to Egypt to conduct negotiations on the Aswan Dam.美国国务卿约翰·福斯·特杜勒斯飞往埃及进行关于阿斯旺大坝的谈判时也是这样。

7.At a gathering to lay the cornerstone for the new development, Abdul Fattah smiled broadly as Nubian children sang of the beauty of Aswan.当人们聚集在一起为新的发展而铺设基石,努比亚儿童歌颂阿斯旺的美丽的时,卜杜勒法塔赫先生开心的笑了。

8.So was John Foster Dulles, the American Secretary of State, when he flew to conduct negotiations on the Aswan Dam.美国国务卿约翰福斯特杜勒斯飞往埃及进行关于阿斯旺大坝的谈判时也是这样。

9.It was called the Aswan Dam, and it was intended to generate electricity and allow the river water to be used for agriculture .这座水坝称为亚斯文水坝,建造的目的在于发电,并利用河水作为农业灌溉。

10.Several stories down but still sunpt, the waters of an ancient well near Aswan, Egypt, mark the arrival of the summer solstice.这口在埃及阿斯旺附近的古井有几层楼深但仍然被阳光照射,井水标志着夏至的到来。