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1.瓦莱丽 Valentina 范伦汀娜 - 健康者 强壮者 Valerie 瓦勒莉 - 强壮的人 勇敢的人 Vanessa 瓦妮莎 - 蝴蝶 ...

3.薇乐莉 ... 5.Like Smoke( 如烟) 6.Valerie( 薇乐莉) 7.The Girl From Ipanema( 伊帕内玛女孩 ) ...

4.瓦莱利 Marcie 玛西 338. Valerie 瓦莱利 Margaret 玛格丽特 339. ...

5.瓦莱莉 Ursule 黄宇诗 Valerie 周嘉玲 Van 范逸臣 ...

8.瓦莱里由于父亲早丧,纳奥米与以跳舞为生的母亲瓦莱里(Valerie)相依为命。受母亲的影响,纳奥米从小学习芭蕾,所以,她的体型比 …


1.One of the president's chief advisors, Valerie Jarrett, makes clear Mr. Obama is not about to give up.奥巴马的首席顾问之一瓦莱丽.贾勒特明确表示,奥巴马不会放弃。

2.Valerie Jarrett, who took flak for her outreach efforts to business, will remain in place with an eye to improving frayed relations.瓦莱丽哈雷特,谁把她的外联工作业务高射炮,将继续留在地方,其磨损的关系,改善眼。

3."We have to have the smoking gun and the dead animal, " said Valerie Fellows, a spokeswoman for the U. S. Fish and Wildpfe Service.“必须看到一把冒烟的猎枪和一头死掉的熊才能办事。”美国渔政及野生动物服务机构的发言人ValerieFellows说。

4.C. , " Valerie Jarrett, a senior adviser to the president and a close family friend, said in an interview. "奥巴马的家庭密友,总统高级顾问范勒利。嘉来特在一次访谈时说。

5.Valerie might have spent the following year searching for another job in the same field, but instead chose to make a career change.Valerie也许可能在第二年去找同一个领域另一份工作,但是,相反,她选择改行。

6.French Budget Minister Valerie Pecresse challenged the view that the ECB has no mandate other than to keep inflation low.法国预算部长佩克雷斯(ValeriePecresse)质疑这种观点,即欧洲央行除了维持低通胀之外就没有别的任务了。

7.Ms. Warren had a front-row place at the ceremony -- and afterward lunched with White House senior adviser Valerie Jarrett.举行签字仪式时沃伦坐在会场的前排,仪式结束后她与白宫高级顾问贾勒特(ValerieJarrett)共进了午餐。

8.Poptical scientists Valerie Hudson and Andrea den Boer warn that China and India could be the next countries to overdose on testosterone.政治科学家瓦莱丽·哈德逊和安德烈·邓波尔警告说,中国和印度可能成为下一个男性激素过多的国家。

9.Valerie Diker, a breeder and owner, poses one of her dachshunds to promote dog food.ValerieDiker既是饲养员也是主人。她正牵着一只腊肠摆姿势,为某狗粮做宣传。

10.Then she met Valerie Wilpams, a customer service worker with a sunny personapty and a booming voice.之后,她遇到了ValerieWilpams,一名客服人员,性格开朗,说话低沉有力的女人。