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2.But it said the move to hire HBSC was prepminary and did not mean Sinochem would make a counterbid for Potash Corp.但报导称,中化此举只是初步意向,并不意味着该公司将对加钾发出竞购要约。

3.Potash has held discussions with Sinochem, a source close to the matter told Reuters in August.知情人士在八月份向路透社透露,Potash公司正同中化集团商讨此事。

4.But it is still hard to tell how Sinochem will apply these lessons to a bid for PotashCorp.不过,目前还很难说中化集团会怎样把这些经验应用到竞购加拿大钾肥上。

5.Statoil also seems to have been drawn by the prospect of working with Sinochem in the future.挪威国家石油公司也似乎被未来与中化集团携手合作的前景所吸引。

6.Raising feasible suggestions for the long enterprise logistics strategies of The Sinochem International .为中化国际的长期企业物流战略提出可行性建议。

7.Han Gensheng, president of Sinochem Corporation, said the deal was "another step in our strategy of building a global energy company" .中化集团副总裁韩根生表示,这笔交易是“我们打造全球能源公司战略的又一步。”

8.If Sinochem were to bid for all of PotashCorp it would be the group's largest overseas deal to date.如果中化打算全盘收购加拿大钾肥,那么,这将会成为该集团迄今为止最大的一笔海外交易。

9.manupfe - sinochem , since the start of operations in shanghai five years ago , has enjoyed significant growth and an excellent reputation.中宏保险自五年前于上海开业以来,发展一日千里,信誉昭著。

10.Today, Nufarm shares are trading at a less than half of what Sinochem was offering at the time, before the deal fell through.目前,Nufarm的股价还不到中化集团当时在交易告吹前报价的一半。