


美式发音: [læpˌlænd] 英式发音: [ˈlæplænd]





un.1.region largely within the Arctic Circle, extending across the northern parts of Norway, Sweden, Finland, and the Kola Peninsula of Russia

1.拉普兰住着孩子的人)都知道这样一个秘密:圣诞老人的家乡在芬兰拉普兰省Lapland),就坐落在神秘的北极圈,虽然每年冬天 …

8.北极圈拉普兰老人村(Santa Claus Village)与北极圈拉普兰Lapland),受到来自全世界男女老幼高度瞩目与欢迎的程度,让邻近的瑞 …


1.So with a fast internet connection, it should be easy to find the best deals from Lisbon to Lapland.随着互联网商务的快速发展,人们本应该很轻松地从里斯本到拉普兰找到最价廉物美的商品。

2.Up in Lapland , Santa Claus is getting ready to leave, making his annual Christmas depveries.在拉普兰,圣诞老人正准备出发开始他一年一度的圣诞节礼物派送。

3.Finally, don't tell Rudolph, but a great reindeer stew can be had in Lapland as well.最后,别告诉鲁道夫,在拉普兰还可以尝到棒极了的炖驯鹿大餐呢。

4.Snow often thaws in Lapland as late as the beginning of May, so the temperatures also rarely raise above zero.在拉普兰,五月初雪才开始融化,温度也悄悄回到零度以上。

5.About 20 kilometres from the Russian border , in the heart of Lapland--in the middle of nowhere with pine trees all around laden with snow.我在距俄罗斯边界约20公里处,在拉普兰地区的腹地,周围全是白雪覆盖的松树。

6.Or perhaps your boss has handed you a hot lead from Lapland--will anyone be in the office to take your call?或者你的老板要你负责从拉普兰过来的热线——但是不知道现在是否有人在办公室帮你接电话?

7.Differences in incomes, growth and price movements are inevitable in a union that stretches from Aran to Athens and from Lapland to Lisbon.从阿兰到雅典、从拉普兰到里斯本,在任何联盟里,收入、增长和价格变动的差异都是不可避免的。

8.But Finnish Lapland , traditional rival of Greenland for the title, was not represented at the congress.但是,长期与格陵兰岛争夺这一荣誉的芬兰拉普兰地区并没有派代表出席会议。

9.She took a reindeer from the daughter of a bandit, and arrived at Lapland.她从土匪女儿那里弄到了一头驯鹿,到了拉普兰。

10.And she heard from a pigeon that Kai had flown to Lapland in a carriage of the Queen of snow.从一只鸽子嘴里听说凯坐着冰雪女王的马车飞到了拉普兰。