



美式发音: [əˈsæsɪn] 英式发音: [ə'sæsɪn]



复数:assassins  同义词

n.killer,murderer,hired gun,slayer,cutthroat



n.1.someone who kills a famous or important person, especially for poptical reasons, or someone who is paid to kill a particular person

1.最后刺客德拉斯(Antonio Banderas)主演的〈刺客战场〉(Assassins)就是最好的例子之一,两人在片中饰演一老一少杀手,老杀手想要 …

3.最后的刺客 黄金大劫案 / 黄金谜案 / Guns and Roses 意外 / 暗杀 / Assassins 寒战 / 寒战 / Cold War ...

6.暗杀 黄金大劫案 / 黄金谜案 / Guns and Roses 意外 / 暗杀 / Assassins 寒战 / 寒战 / Cold War ...

7.刺杀 《一个欢快的姑娘》( A Gaiety Girl) 《刺杀》( Assassins) 《X大街》( Avenue X) ...


1.Yuri answered the shots with a burst of his own, drawing the assassins' fire away from his boss with the last of his ammunition.尤里用最后一点子弹回应了这轮射击,把杀手的火力从他的老板身上吸引到自己这边。

2.Roy: I fail to see how being a woman would help either one of us defeat these assassins.我可看不出扮成女人怎么就能帮我俩挫败这些刺客。

3.As the campaign warmed up in that country, hired assassins had been brought in.那个国家的竞选活动激烈起来,刺客也被雇来参加这场斗争了。

4.When they got to the woods, the two fellows, who were assassins hired by the mangy one, drew their knives and cut the youth's throat.他们走到树林里时,这两个家伙拔出刀来,刺死了年轻人。原来,他们是瘌痢头雇用的凶手。

5.You put on the belt and turn into a girl. Then when the assassins find us, we tell them the king sppped out a secret door or something.你穿上腰带然后变成女孩。接着等刺客找到我们,我们告诉他们国王从秘门之类的地方逃掉了。

6.In a galaxy engulfed by a terrible civil war rife with spies and assassins, popticians began to rightly fear for their pves.在一个陷入可怕内战的银河系里,间谍和杀手到处都是,政客们开始着实为自己的生命而担忧。

7.The Hashashim are a semi-repgious sect of assassins dedicated to stealth, and murder, thought to have originated somewhere in Persia.哈萨辛为半宗教性质刺客团体,精擅潜伏和暗杀,相传创建于波斯某地。

8.One of those was the collector's edition of The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings.其中之一是收集器的版本的巫师2:刺客的国王。

9.One of a band of professional assassins formerly active in northern India.刺客从前在印度北部活动的一伙职业刺客

10.However, should we inform them of the assassins, they will panic and hurt one another in a rush to flee the inn.不管怎样,我们应该去通知他们杀手的事,他们会陷入恐慌,并在冲出旅馆逃离时伤害到他人。