


网络释义:替莫唑胺(temozolomide);曲美他嗪(Trimetazidine);Too Many Zeros


1.替莫唑胺(temozolomide) fbi 特工 tmz 网站 tortoise 主脑 ...

5.名人闲话 难题: Number Logic 名人闲话TMZ 提高心情: Cute Overload ...




1.TMZ also reports that Bieber isn't planning to let Yeater's accusations go unpunished, and plans on taking her to court.TMZ还报道称,比伯打算让Yeater为她的指控负法律责任,并打算将她诉诸法院。

2.Instead, Fisher is one of those increasingly rare athletes who have managed to stay out of the TMZ headpnes for inappropriate behavior.相反,费舍尔就是一个为了设法避开不恰当的行为TMZ头条新闻的稀有的运动员。

3.TMZ reports that the FBI has known about the man for several months, but the U. S. Attorney did not take action until now.TMZ报道说,联邦调查局已经知道关于这个人的事几个月了,但联邦检察官一直没有采取行动,直到如今。

4.Now as any pissed off daughter would do, Leighton has brought a lawsuit against her mother for misusing the money, according to TMZ.据TMZ介绍,现在就像其他愤怒的女儿一样,莉顿将挪用治疗费的母亲告上了法庭。

5.The next day, TMZ's cameras caught them shopping at Nordstrom at The Grove and picking up refreshments at the Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf.第二天,TMZ拍到俩人在格罗夫的诺德斯特姆公司购物,然后在咖啡豆与茶叶里买了点心。

6.TMZ also breaks more stories on Britney, Lindsay and the rest of the Hollywood gang than any other gossip site.相比其他流言网站,TMZ还能透露更多有关布兰妮、林赛及其他好莱坞明星的新闻。

7.Nude photos of Johansson surfaced onpne last month, and TMZ reported that hackers stole them from her cellphone.约翰逊的裸照上个月出现在surfacedonpne上,TMZ报道说黑客们是从她的手机中偷的这些照片。

8.According to the onpne magazine tmz. com Penn hopes to ask Fidel about Cuba's evolving relationship with the Obama administration.据网络杂志tmz网址被屏蔽透露,潘希望询问菲德尔对古巴与奥巴马政府之间不断发展的关系的看法。

9.According to TMZ's source, the golfer fled in his car with his wife chasing behind.按照TMZ的爆料,伍兹飞奔进他的车里,而他太太在后面追。

10.The plan, TMZ reported, is to teach writing and performing for many different genres of music to teenagers across the economic spectrum.TMZ报道说这个计划,将要教授所有经济承受范围内的青少年许多不同音乐种类的谱写和表演。