


美式发音: [ˈdæləs] 英式发音: [ˈdæləs]





un.1.city in northeastern Texas, on the Trinity River, east of Fort Worth. It is an important commercial, financial, and distribution center.

1.达拉斯 Brownsville 布朗斯维尔分校 Dallas 达拉斯分校 El Paso 尔帕索分校 ...


1.In an August report, the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas actually put it a bit higher.在达拉斯联邦储备银行八月份的报告中,这一数字实际上又提高了一点。

2.So the downturn is only now beginning to reach tony areas in north Dallas, where prices fell 17% in the first half of this year.所以降价风潮现在仅影响到达拉斯北部的托尼地区,那里房价上半年下降了17%。

3.How much your Dallas Real Estate is worth?你多大达拉斯房地产值得吗?

4.Family members of a musician in Dallas, Carter Albrecht, recently said that Chantix might have caused the rage that led to his death.达拉斯,一位音乐家的亲人,卡特.阿布雷彻,最近表示,由Chantix引起的愤怒,可能导致了这位音乐家的死亡。

5.He died of a wound in the brain caused by a rifle bullet that was fired at him as he was riding through downtown Dallas in a motorcade.在车队穿过达拉斯市中心时他被一颗步枪子弹击中,因脑部受伤而死。

6.Maria, who came here with her family from Dallas, Texas, regrets that her children will never be able to see another shuttle mission.玛利亚和家人们从德克萨斯州的达拉斯而来,为她的孩子们再也无法亲眼看到航空项目而惋惜。

7.I don't really remember, but I left Dallas, and that wound of being homeless in Dallas stayed with me for at least a decade.我确实不记得了,但是我离开了达拉斯。至此我在达拉斯流浪的时间至少有十年。

8.That act set him on the path to the presidency, Bush said in his address to a wind energy convention in downtown Dallas.在达拉斯市中心,布什在一次有关风能源的会议上说到,正是戒酒这个行动将他领向了总统选举之路。

9.But you also have the abipty to allow the audience to see Dallas, to perform with Dallas as the backdrop of your performance.同时还能让里面的观众看到达拉斯的城市,将达拉斯当做表演的舞台。

10.Now head of his own office in Dallas, Sloan grew up in Kansas City, Missouri.现在,作为达拉斯自己办公室主管的斯隆生长在密苏里州的堪萨斯城。