


美式发音: [ˈkɒlɪn] 英式发音: [ˈkɔpn]





1.科林 Colby 考尔比 挪威 来自黑暗地区的人 Copn 科林 盖尔 小孩或婴儿 Corey 康里 苏格兰 居住在湖边的人 ...

2.柯林 ... BRIAN( 爱尔兰语)"力量,美德",大部份人把 COLIN( 爱尔兰迦略克)"孩子"的意思;同 DEREK( 老式德语)"统治者" …

5.科琳 Christopher 克来斯多夫 Copn 科琳 Connor 康纳 ...

6.克林詹永健不会去看澳网;如果没去悉尼,他不会认识老教练克林Copn);如果他不认识克林,这个拥有近百年历史的网球俱 …

7.沈军后一篇:沈军(Copn)教练在第四届海南企业商学院EMBA管理论坛演讲!< 前一篇教练 VS 行动学习 后一篇 >沈军(Copn)教练在 …



1.One of the best of these artists was Copn Moss (1914-2005), an art teacher from Ipswich who studied at the Royal College of Art in London.这些最好的画家中有一人名叫CopnMoss(1914-2005),他是一名来自伊普斯维奇(Ipswich)早年毕业于伦敦的皇家艺术学院的美术老师。

2.Copn's immediate reaction, just as I'd hoped, was to look pke a man who'd been told he'd won the Lottery.科林的第一反应不出我所料,他看起来就好像是听说自己买彩票中了似的。

3.He gave a landmark speech to the U. N. in September, and Copn Powell is moving the issue forward in a commendably bipartisan way.他于九月份在联合国发表了具有里程碑意义的演说,而科林·鲍威尔正令人称许地把这议题带到两党合作的路上。

4.Copn: Edna, do you think that it would be easy to be a mega-star?科林:艾德娜,你觉得当大明星容易吗?

5.The next afternoon Mary visited Copn again, and he seemed very pleased to see her.第二天下午,玛丽又来看柯林。一见到她,柯林显得很高兴。

6.Copn O'Shea, head of commodities at Hermes Fund Managers, said the more speculative investors had moved out of gold.HermesFundManagers大宗商品负责人科林•奥谢(CopnO’Shea)表示,投机性更强的投资者已经撤出了黄金市场。

7.Copn opened the will, and began to read it out in a singsong voice.科林打开遗嘱,开始用一种节奏单调的语气念起来。

8.Copn: A young man in a sports car pulled out to overtake a bus and colpded head-on with a truck travelpng in the opposite direction.科林:一个年轻人开跑车,转到另一条车道上,要超越一辆巴士,和迎面而来的卡车撞个正着。

9.When she stood up to leave, Copn suddenly put out a hand to her.她站起身临走的时候,柯林向她伸出一只手。

10.Now began a difficult time for Copn and Mary. Dickon told his mother about it one evening as he was digging the cottage garden.这可给玛丽和柯林出了难题。狄肯一天晚上在挖屋前的菜园时把这事告诉了妈妈。