


美式发音: [ˈsæmjʊəl] 英式发音: 





n.1.in the Bible, the leader of the Israeptes in the 11th century . He was the first prophet after Moses.2.either of two books of the Bible that describe the history of the Israeptes from the birth of Samuel to the end of the reign of King David, traditionally attributed to Samuel

1.塞缪尔 DeVere Jehl DeVere 耶赫尔 Samuel 塞缪尔 David Jensen 大卫詹森 ...

2.撒母耳 路得记- Ruth 撒母耳记上-1 Samuel 尼希米记- Nehemiah ...

4.撒母耳记下 启( Rev) 撒母耳记下-2 Samuel 列王记上-1 Kings ...

5.撒姆尔 Sam 山姆 希伯来 上帝之名 Samuel 撒姆尔 希伯来 上帝之名 Sandy 山迪 拉丁 人类的防卫者 ...

6.萨缪尔 Samson 杨英伟 Samuel 邰正宵∕刘永健 Sandra 吴君如 ...


1.If Samuel Langhorne Clemens had been born rich, he would have had a proper education and not have needed to start working at the age of 11.假如欣赏量已经诞生富有的话,他大概会有一个精确的教诲,也不必要启动事变在11岁的时间。

2.Jack: Samuel would be good at the Zhanshen game. He may even be strong enough to be the War God.杰克:如果塞谬尔能玩战神游戏,那就太棒了,他完全可以成为战神。

3.Moses and Aaron among his priests, and Samuel among them that call upon his name; they called upon the LORD, and he answered them.在他的祭司中有摩西和亚伦,在求告他名的人中有撒母耳,他们求告耶和华,他就应允他们。

4.No wonder the U. S. Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman released the next day in the State of the Union quickly out of "rounders. "难怪美国能源部长塞缪尔博德曼在第二天公布在联盟国家很快就退出“通才”。

5.You see, Samuel Purchase is also considered a bit of a sloppy travel writer.您要知道,不少人都觉得,塞缪尔·珀切斯是一个粗心大意的游记作家。

6.Samuel turns to leave and then turns back, holding out his hand. "Nice meeting you, " he says.塞缪尔正准备走,但又转过身去,伸出手。“很高兴见到您,”他说道。

7.Then he handed Samuel the forceps and told him to pull up on the skin between the rear legs to separate it from the muscle.随后他递给塞缪尔手术钳,告诉他先把后腿之间的皮肤扯起来,使之与肌肉分离。

8.Justice Samuel Apto Jr. wrote that the rule diminished "the effectiveness" of the rich candidate's spending and of his speech.法官SamuelApto认为这条规定削弱了有钱的候选人的花费和候选人的演讲的有效性。

9.We find in the diaries of Samuel Pepys the account of a storm which made him worry that it might mean the death of the queen.17世纪英国作家、政治家佩皮斯在《佩皮斯日记》中提到一场令他心忧的暴风雨,他认为这可能代表女王之死。

10.Dictionaries are pke watches; the worst is better than none, and the best cannot be expected to go quite true. -Samuel Johnson.字典和时钟一样,最坏的一种也有胜于无,而最好的一种也不能觉得是十分准确的。-塞缪尔·约翰逊。