




1.通济隆还有通济隆(THOMAS COOK)旅行支票不过THOMAS COOK在欧洲比较普遍澳洲可以换的点相对AE比较少而且可能台湾快买 …

2.库克地产经纪库克(Thomas Cook)甚至向多伦多地产局(Toronto Real Estate Board,简称TREB)投诉,指这是「偷懒经纪」想在仅 …

3.托马斯库克 收购英国托马斯库克Thomas Cook)24.9%的股份。 1999 年 收购了L´tur Tourismus AG 的大部分股权。

4.英国通济隆  英国通济隆(thomas cook)、巴克莱银(barclays)、 美国运通(american express)、花旗银行(city bank); 日本住友银行、三菱银 …

5.汤玛士库克荣获汤玛士库克Thomas Cook)旅游公司介绍的绝佳美景黄金列车Golden Pass网站 http://www网址被屏蔽.goldenpass.ch/default.asp…

6.通济隆公司英国最大的旅行社通济隆公司Thomas Cook)明明就是汤马斯 库克,不知道为什麽翻译成通济隆~~),所以买这家旅行支票 …

7.汤玛斯库克一、试述汤玛斯库克(Thomas Cook)在旅行业的功绩有那些? 答案:参见课本第15页。


1.Thomas Cook is now the official travel partner of Manchester United in a deal announced at the beginning of July.托马斯。库克现在成了曼联的官方旅行合作伙伴,双方的合作从7月开始。

2.Thomas Cook packages include a match ticket, four or five-star hotel accommodation and a tour of the stadium and club museum.托马斯。库克的套餐包括比赛门票,4-5星级酒店住宿和俱乐部博物馆到球场的交通。

3.In the short run Thomas Cook's new boss will have to improve the company's dire finances.短期来看,托马斯•库克的新任老板首先要做的就是改善公司糟糕的财务状况。

4.But the company insisted that Thomas Cook, the UK travel group in which it holds a 53 per cent stake, would "remain unaffected" .但该公司坚称,其持股53%的英国旅游集团ThomasCook将“不受影响”。

5.Thomas Cook Sport will provide Manchester United's worldwide travel for the first team and officials as part of a four-year deal.托马斯。库克降为曼联一线队和官员的全球旅行提供服务,这也是双方4年合作的一部分。

6.Already Thomas Cook is talking about the "expansion" of its OTA, although it has yet to reveal exactly how its OTA will operate.ThomasCook早已说过要“扩张”其在线旅行社,即使它从来没有具体说明该在线旅行社将如何运作。

7.Meanwhile, the company says it will use the Thomas Cook brand to front many of its country OTA sites.同时,该公司还说将把ThomasCook的品牌显示在旗下在线旅行社的许多国家分站中。

8.Russia and China are being targeted for expansion, two countries where Thomas Cook is "particularly encouraged" by the opportunities.俄罗斯和中国成为ThomasCook当前的主要扩张目标,ThomasCook特别为这两个国家的发展机会“所鼓励”。

9.Thomas Cook could sell some of its seven hotels or its 6% stake in National Air Traffic Services, a navigation provider.托马斯库克可以卖掉它的七家宾馆中的几家,或者它6%的国家航空交通公司(一家提供导航义务的公司)的股份。

10.Thomas Cook is now working on a new strategy for the aipng British market. It is also replacing its bosses again.目前,针对不景气的英国市场,托马斯库克公司采取了一项新策略。还是换老板。