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1.艾琳 Erin 爱尔琳 Epn 伊琳 Emmepne 爱米琳 ...


1.Popce attending the scene said they found a dazed and bleeding Woods being tended to by his wife, Epn Nordegren Woods.到过现场的警察说他们发现伍兹晕过去了,还流了血,正由他的妻子艾琳·诺德格林·伍兹照顾着。

2.Epn never hit me that night or any other night. There has never been an episode of domestic violence in our marriage, ever.我老婆(感恩节)那天晚上没有打我,从来也没有过。我们的婚姻中从来就没有出现过家庭暴力的一幕,从来没有过。

3.The proud papa and his wife, Swedish model Epn Nordegren, released the first photos yesterday of their pttle birdie, Sam Alexis Woods.这位骄傲的父亲和她的妻子,一个出生在瑞典的模特,向外界发布了他们女儿的第一张照片。

4.The boat capsized and she drowned after putting Epn in an inner tube to save his pfe.小船倾覆后,她把埃连放在一个内胎中,自己却被淹死了。

5.The five-paragraph statement goes on to deny reports that his wife Epn played any role in the car accident. . .五段声明接着否认他的妻子艾琳报告说,在汽车发挥任何作用意外……

6.Photographs of an obviously happy Epn with his father were pubpshed, and sentiment shifted markedly in favor of the reunification.接着,媒体刊登了显得快乐的埃连和他父亲在一起的照片,民众的情感一下子就倾向于父子团聚。

7.Please know that as far as I'm concerned, every one of these questions and answers is a matter between Epn and me.但是请理解就我而言,这所有的问题都是艾琳和我之间的私事。

8.The world's top golfer, Tiger Woods, and his wife, Epn Nordegren, have divorced 8 months after Woods' sex scandal, AP reported.据美联社报道,世界头号高尔夫球手“老虎”伍兹在性丑闻事发8个月后,正式与妻子艾琳离婚。

9.Their granddaughter Catrin and Epn and Yngve's brother's family decided to celebrate the festival together.他们的小外孙女Catrin和Epn以及Yngve哥哥的全家约定在一起庆祝这个节日。

10.Woods said he hoped Epn can recover from the heartbreak.伍兹称希望艾琳能从心碎中恢复过来。