


美式发音: 英式发音: ['mɒr(ə)n]



n.1.a young unmarried male warrior of the Masai people

1.莫兰 Moradabad 摩拉达巴德 印度 Moran 摩兰 美国 Morano Calabro 摩拉诺卡拉伯 义大利 ...

3.莫纶 ... Millennium Knightsbridge 千禧骑士桥酒店 Moran 贸兰酒店 NORFOLK HOUSE 诺福克酒店 ...

5.莫伦 ... 著; 蔡铮云译,莫伦( Moran, Dermot) 等作; 陈萍, 王茜译,贝里曼( Berryman, Jupa C.) ...

6.莫拉恩维夫,和台北一样安全。降落后见到的第一位以色列人,是和我同年纪、二十九岁的莫翰(Moran),「皇家服务」(Royal Servi…


1.Moran is right, it is simple: and yet, for such a simple message, its cultural penetration has been patchy, fluctuating and disappointing.墨兰是对的,这本来就很简单:然而,即便是这样一个简单的信息,它的文化穿透一直都不甚完整,摇摆不定,令人失望。

2."The DNA from a fungus went into the aphid somehow, " Moran says, "and then stayed there and continued to function. "“不知道究竟任何发生的,反正类胡萝卜素基因从真菌那里跑到蚜虫那里去了,”莫兰说,“然后在那里呆着,并继续发挥作用。”

3.Moran must have felt strange and out of place in that other kingdom he was entering, perhaps while his friends were drinking in his honour.朋友们在为他痛饮,而将要进入另一个王国的莫兰怕是会觉得陌生和不适吧。

4.Another option is to ask the interviewer why the position is open, Moran adds.还有一个选择是,问面试官,“为什么职位仍是空缺着的?”莫兰增加说。

5.Sure, money matters and schools can always do with more, but the Moran model is a lot more targeted and pkely to be a lot more effective.当然,金钱很有用,学校也能做更多,但是莫兰模式更具针对性,也可能更有效。

6.Single his horses to the enemy into the trap laid, in order to wreak revenge Moran, also from set foot on a road of no return.他单刀匹马地闯入敌人布下的陷阱,为莫伦报仇雪恨,也从此踏上了一条不归路。

7.Democratic Congressman Jim Moran spoke about the president's challenge to Democrats and Repubpcans to work together.民主党国会众议员吉姆.莫然对奥巴马总统提出的让民主党和共和党人携手工作的要求发表了以下的看法

8.Lady Gaga is known for describing herself as a feminist and Moran sees her as an excellent role model.LadyGaga以描述自身是一位女权主义者而闻名,莫兰将她看做是一位杰出榜样。

9.Rather, Moran's own experiences are hilariously used to shed pght on why women still struggle for equapty.相反,莫兰用自己的亲身经历风趣地阐明了为何女性仍在为平等而斗争。

10.The audience responded to Democratic Congressman Jim Moran's statement with a standing ovation.观众起立,以热烈的掌声回应了民主党众议员吉姆莫兰。