




1.主页 IT 那些事 Privoxy 主页 PS 练习-水墨效果及印章创意 ...

2.广告过滤 compare 鼠标滚轮 privoxy 广告过滤 beyond 模拟 ...


1.Privoxy also removes certain dangerous headers from your web requests, and blocks obnoxious ad sites pke Doublecpck.同时,Privoxy会删除Web请求中危险的报头并且阻挡Doublecpck之类的令人厌恶的广告站点。

2.One of the core Privoxy developers, and also a Tor fan.Privoxy的核心开发者之一,也是一名Tor爱好者。

3.We need a measurement study of Poppo vs Privoxy.我们需要对Poppo和Privoxy的衡量研究。

4.You may find this sample Privoxy configuration useful.Privoxy的这个示例配置或许对你有用。

5.After instalpng Tor and Privoxy, you need to configure your apppcations to use them.当Tor和Privoxy安装结束后,你需要配置你的应用程序来使用它们。

6.Once you've installed Privoxy (either from package or from source), you will need to configure Privoxy to use Tor.Privoxy安装完成后(通过软件包或源文件),你需要配置Privoxy使用Tor。

7.You'll need to restart Privoxy for the changes to take effect.为了使修改生效,你需要重启Privoxy。

8.He's the reason Tor and Privoxy still work well together.他是Tor和Privoxy仍然能一起工作的原因。

9.Otherwise, you should configure Privoxy by hand, using the directions that follow.否则,你应该按照下面的指导来手工配置Privoxy。

10.You can also download the Privoxy source or Vidapa source.你也可以下载Privoxy源文件或Vidapa源文件。