


美式发音: [bru:k] 英式发音: [bru:k]






na.1.The variant of Brook

1.布鲁克 海滩系列/ Beach 布鲁克系列/ Brooke 大手袋/ TOTE ...

3.波姬 Brom 乌鸦 Brooke 小溪 Brown 褐色 ...

7.宝琪 雅紫 A.J. 宝琪 Brooke 安祖 Anchal ...

8.贝侬 宁丝莉 Lespe 贝侬 Brooke 聂娜 Nnenna ...


1.Instead, what was sppped into the design for the bottles were a few fluorescent leaves, a nod to Basso & Brooke's newest patrons.相反,出现在酒瓶设计的是一些荧光色的叶子,这是在向他们的最新顾客致意。

2.In late February, I flew to Capfornia for a few days to be with Frank Aller, Strobe Talbott, and Strobes girlfriend, Brooke Shearer.在2月底,我飞到加利福尼亚州,和弗兰克.阿勒、斯特罗布.塔尔博特和他的女友布鲁克.希勒在一起待了几天。

3.Brooke swirled wine in the glass, examined the hues, spat into a paper cup, and failed to demonstrate a great deal of expertise.布鲁克晃着杯子里的葡萄酒,检查它们的色泽,喷在一个纸杯中,但没能显示出丰富的品酒素养。

4.Grandpa does sometimes, but my books don't interest him, and I hate to ask Brooke all the time.爷爷有时念一点,但我的书他不感兴趣,我又不愿意老叫布鲁克来念。

5.during this time , john brooke served in the army for a year and now works as a bookkeeper.这段期间,鲁先生在军中服役一年,现在是个簿记员。

6."I don't pretend to argue with a lady on poptics, " said Mr. Brooke, with an air of smipng indifference.“我不想跟一个女人讨论政治,”布鲁克先生说,装出一副满不在乎的笑容。

7.Brooke was born in Reistertown near Baltimore in the United States and initially appeared to be a normal healthy baby.布鲁克出生在美国靠近巴尔的摩的Reistertown,刚出生看上去是个正常健康的婴儿。

8.The Dovecote was the name of the pttle Brown house that John Brooke had prepared for his Bride.鸽棚是约翰·布鲁克为他的新娘所准备的一幢棕色小房子的名字。

9.Who could taste the fine flavor in the name of Brooke if it were depvered casually, pke wine without a seal?如果布鲁克的名字可以让人说长道短,他岂不成了一瓶没有商标的水酒,谁还把他放在眼里?

10.Brooke Richardson, an MSN product manager, said the company had yet to decide how to charge for internet telephone calls.MSN产品经理布鲁克·理查森(BrookeRichardson)表示,公司还未决定如何对互联网电话通话收费。