




1.吉基尔博士yll and Mr Hyde)中,讲述了一位名叫杰基尔Dr Jekyll)的着名医生,因抵御不了潜藏在天性中邪恶因子的耸动而发明了一 …


1.Not long afterward Utterson was sitting by his fireside when Poole, Dr. Jekyll's manservant , sought entrance.过了不久,厄特森正坐在壁炉边,杰凯尔医生的男仆普尔前来求见。

2.Dr. Jekyll story protagonist is a knowledgeable, respected celebrity.故事主角杰基尔博士是个学识渊博、德高望重的社会名流。

3.It is rumored that Robert Louis Stevenson wrote a 30, 000-word draft of The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde in just three days.有传闻说,罗伯特•路易斯•斯蒂文森仅用了三天时间就写出了《化身博士》的初稿。

4.But this does not mean that good won over evil, for the good Dr. Jekyll was killed, too.但这并不意味正义战胜了邪恶,因为善良的哲基尔医生也死了。

5.dr . jekyll , you ' re wanted by the knights of the holy order .哲基尔医生,你被神圣秩序骑士团所通缉…

6.Whenever Dr. Jekyll pleasure to be tempted, he will be taking a drug, a small ugly The Mr. Hyde.每当杰基尔博士遭到吃苦欲诱惑时,他就会服下这种药物,酿成矮小丑恶地海德师长教师。

7.Will anybody find out the horrible secret of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde?现在,有人会发现杰克和海德的可怕秘密吗?

8.The government does not wish Dr Jekyll Hyde to accept a professorship ata foreign university .政府不想让杰基尔·海德博士接受某一外国大学的教授职务。

9.Mr. Hyde, but to change back to the original Dr. Jekyll instead of serving a large number of drugs.海德先生,而要变回原本的杰基尔博士反而要服大量的药物。

10.Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde were one and the same person.吉基尔博士和海德先生是同一个人。