




1.三十秒B. 三十秒thirty seconds)C. 六十秒(sixty seconds)正确答案:B. 三十秒(参赛者答 A. 十五秒)周汤豪(二度参赛)第七 …


1.Not until at least thirty seconds had passed, was the man able to speak.至少过了30秒钟,他才说出话来。

2.There before me, facing the pttle prince, was one of those yellow snakes that take just thirty seconds to bring your pfe to an end.就在那里,一条黄蛇直起身子冲着小王子。这种黄蛇半分钟就能结果你的性命。

3.Smith is a real hairspptter . If you say the train arrived just on time , he'll say it was at least thirty seconds late .斯密史是吹毛求疵的人。如果你说火车刚好准时到达,他会说火车至少迟了三十秒。

4.If you say the train arrived just on time, he will say it was at least thirty seconds late.如果你说火车刚好准时到达,他会说火车至少迟了三十秒。

5.Exchange updates the checkpoint file every thirty seconds, and its header is viewable except during the moment when an update is occurring.Exchange每隔三十秒更新一次检查点文件,除了在更新进行期间以外,其他时间都可以查看其文件头。

6.Don't try to be funny by playing thirty seconds of your favorite song or talk with a mouthful of food.不要播放三十秒你最喜爱的音乐或满嘴食物说话来搞笑。

7.That afternoon, I watched ants dive into the cups for a swim, staying under-water for up to thirty seconds.那天下午,我观察蚂蚁跳进“杯中”游泳,在水下可以待30秒左右。

8.A queuing model representing one customer's system was able to predict an EC3 abend within thirty seconds of it actually occurring.代表客户的系统队列模型能够在实际发生前三十秒内预测EC3abend。

9.Every thirty seconds, the server experiences a huge storm of disk-writing activity, causing the system to nearly grind to a halt.每隔30秒,服务器就会遇到磁盘写活动高峰,导致系统几乎陷于停顿。

10.Seba is totally not my type, but for about thirty seconds after one of his miracle saves?塞巴完全不是我的类型,但是在他其中一个奇迹般地扑救之后30秒?