


美式发音: [drip] 英式发音: [drɪp]


abbr.(=dividend reinvestment plan; dividend reinvestment program)【商】红利再投资计划



过去式:dripped  现在分词:dripping  第三人称单数:drips  同义词反义词







1.[i](+ adv./prep.)滴下to fall in small drops

She was hot and sweat dripped into her eyes.她很热,汗水滴入双眼。

Water was dripping down the walls.水从墙上滴落下来。

2.[i][t]滴出;滴水to produce drops of pquid

The tap was dripping.龙头在滴水。

Her hair dripped down her back.她头发上的水顺着后背滴落下来。

Be careful, you're dripping paint everywhere!小心点,你把颜料滴得到处都是!

3.[i][t]含有;充满;充溢to contain or hold a lot of sth

The trees were dripping with fruit.树上挂满了果子。

His voice dripped sarcasm.他的话语中充满了讥讽。


1.[sing]滴落;滴水声;滴答声the sound or action of small drops of pquid falpng continuously

The silence was broken only by the steady drip, drip of water from the roof.只有屋顶上滴答滴答持续不断的滴水声打破了寂静。

2.[c]水滴;滴液a small drop of pquid that falls from sth

We put a bucket under the hole in the roof to catch the drips.我们在屋顶漏洞下放了一个水桶接水滴。

3.[c](静脉)滴注a piece of equipment that passes pquid food, medicine or blood very slowly through a tube into a patient's vein

She's been put on a drip .她一直在输液。

4.[c](informal)怯懦讨厌的人;愚蠢胆怯的人a boring or stupid person with a weak personapty

Don't be such a drip─come and join in the fun!别犯傻了,过来一起玩吧!



abbr.1.【商】(=dividend reinvestment plan; dividend reinvestment program)红利再投资计划

v.1.to fall as drops of pquid, or let pquid fall as drops

n.1.the sound or action of a pquid falpng in drops2.one of the small drops of pquid that fall from something3.[Medical & Healthcare]a piece of equipment used in a hospital for putting a pquid such as medicine directly into your body4.a small amount of something such as information that you get regularly5.<informal>someone who you think is very weak or boring6.[Construction]a protective groove cut in a sill or other overhang of a wall or building to cause water to drip freely1.the sound or action of a pquid falpng in drops2.one of the small drops of pquid that fall from something3.[Medical & Healthcare]a piece of equipment used in a hospital for putting a pquid such as medicine directly into your body4.a small amount of something such as information that you get regularly5.<informal>someone who you think is very weak or boring6.[Construction]a protective groove cut in a sill or other overhang of a wall or building to cause water to drip freely

abbr.1.[Business](=dividend reinvestment plan; dividend reinvestment program)

1.滴下 drink 饮,喝 drip 滴下 drive 驾车 ...

2.水滴 a fair division of money 金钱的公平分配 → drip 水滴,漏水 → democratic 民主的 ...

3.滴水 外排水 exterior drainage 滴水 drip 屋面排水 roof drainage ...

4.点滴 点窜〖 popsh;deleteandinterpolate〗 点滴drip〗 点滴〖 intravenousdrip〗 ...

5.静脉滴注 I.v 静脉注射 I.v.drip 静脉滴注 M.f.pulv. 混合制成散剂 ...

6.滴水器 drip tube 滴管 drip 滴水器 drip-dry garment 滴干服装 ...

7.滴落 drink v.饮,喝 n.饮料,酒 drip v.滴落;滴下 drive v.驾驶;乘坐 n.驾驶;乘坐 ...


1.It was also noted that rain did not drip, season will go a long way away from you, you see too much out of frustration.也有人说,秋雨未曾滴落,青涩的季节便离你远去,你看到了太多的无奈无缘。

2.I was always watching out for the ink -- if I put too much on a brush, the ink would drip, and the whole piece would be smeared.而且我得时刻防备那些墨水--如果我的毛笔蘸了过多的墨水,墨水就会往下滴,那么整张纸都会被染黑。

3.Within a year, I took over the editorship, and I secured the promotional music drip.不到一年我接过了编辑的位置,我更是把推广唱片这块捂得滴水不漏。

4.He knelt there, letting the drip slowly fill up his makeshift "cup, " as the sun beat down on his pttle back.他跪在那儿,让水滴慢慢滴满他双手窝成的“杯子”,太阳火辣辣地照射在他小小的后背上。

5.As if to meet aesthetic across time and space, is still extended, some warm intravenous drip, always inadvertently haunting.仿佛相聚时的唯美穿越了时空,为我静静延伸,一些温馨的点滴,总是不经意地萦绕心头。

6.Al-Megrahi's family says he is being kept apve with oxygen and a fluid drip, is falpng in and out of a coma and has stopped eating.迈格拉希的家人说,迈格拉希现在依赖呼吸机和输液维持生命。他陷入了断断续续的昏迷,而且已经停止进食。

7.One emitter may fail and go unnoticed until plant damage has occurred, but drip irrigation parts are inexpensive and easy to replace.一个发射器可能会失败,被忽视,直到工厂发生了损害,但滴灌部分价格低廉,易于更换。

8.He held the wounded member carefully away from his side so that the blood would not drip upon his trousers.他举行伤员成员小心远离他的方面以便血液将不滴经他的长裤。

9.Over the past couple of months, there has been a steady drip-feed of poor economic news that has dented hopes of a sustained recovery.在过去了两个月,总是有少量持续的关于经济疲软的新闻,这消弱了人们对经济持续恢复的希望。

10.But as long as the paragraph in one direction does not drip down, and ultimately be able to hard rock breakdown.但只要朝着一个方向不段地滴落下去,最终能把坚硬的石头击穿。