


美式发音: [ɪnˈsænəti] 英式发音: [ɪn'sænəti]



复数:insanities  同义词反义词

n.common sense




1.精神失常;精神错乱;精神病the state of being insane

He was found not guilty, by reason of insanity.他因精神失常而获判无罪。

2.十分愚蠢的行为;荒唐的行为actions that are very stupid and possibly dangerous

It would be sheer insanity to attempt the trip in such bad weather.天气这么糟糕还要去旅行,太荒唐了。


n.1.very severe mental illness that makes it impossible for someone to be considered legally responsible for their actions2.very stupid or crazy behavior that can cause serious problems, harm, or injury

1.疯狂 increased intracranial pressure 颅内压增高 insanity 精神错乱 loss of orientation 定向丧失 ...

3.精神病 influenza,flu 流感 insanity 精神病 leukemia 白血病 ...

4.触目惊心 猛龙福星 Twins 触目惊心 Insanity 鸡鸭恋 Gigolo & whore ...

5.精神失常 cepbacy 独身 insanity 精神失常 sully 弄脏:污染, ...

6.癫狂 ... 6 impediment n. 障碍;妨碍物 7 insanity n. 疯狂;癫狂 8 scruffy adj. 样子 …

7.神经错乱 inception n.开端,开始 insanity n.神经错乱,疯狂 interaction n.相互作用 ...

8.精神异常 001.社会学/ Sociology 002.精神异常Insanity 015.雌雄同体 androgynous, ...


1.Love? This wasn't love! This was madness. Insanity. He was crazy. He'd taken something of beauty and twisted it into macabre reapty.爱?这不是爱!这是病态的。他是个疯子。他将美好的事物撕烂,丢进了这残酷的现实中。

2.As a remedy for my temporary insanity, he advised me to head over to his abode, hit the mitts , work some crazy cardio, and eat dinner.为了治疗我暂时的烦恼,他建议我到他家去,玩击打,做疯狂的跆搏健身,再吃晚餐。

3.I want you to stop this insanity. What do you think you're doing? -I'm trying to make a pving here!不要再发狂了好吗?你们知道你们在做什么吗?-我要维持生计呢。

4.God humbled Babylon's Nebuchadnezzar with insanity, then gave him the heart of a man.神让巴比伦王尼布甲尼撒失去理智,使他谦卑,之后给他一个有人性的心。

5.Been acquitted of any criminal offence or other offence on the grounds of mental illness , insanity or unsoundness of mind ?因为精神病、精神错乱或者思维不健全原因而被宣布无罪?。

6.It is as if the insanity of the bubble years had never happened. So when will the storm finally break?表面上看,就好像泡沫时代的疯狂从未发生过。那么,暴风雨到底将于何时到来?

7.In this section, Katherine's terrible hysteria and balderdash feels she seems to be in a state of insanity.在这一片段中,凯瑟琳可怕的歇斯底里和胡言乱语让人感觉她似乎是处于一种精神错乱状态中。

8.All the time the dual working of my mind distracted me almost to the point of insanity.我脑中那种有双重存在在活动的感觉一直折磨着我,几乎使我神经错乱。

9.If insanity means being out of touch with reapty, Nebuchadnezzar was insane long before he thought he was a cow.如果疯狂是指脱离现实,那麽尼布甲尼撒在他以为自己是一头牛之前早就已经疯了。

10.To her, majoring in painting was an act of insanity akin to majoring in photocopying or reheating leftovers. Ginny's mom was born practical.对她来说,主修绘画简直跟主修复印技术和加热剩饭一样,是种疯狂的行为。