


美式发音: [ˈterəˌrɪzəm] 英式发音: [ˈterəˌrɪz(ə)m]




v.+n.fight terrorism,combat terrorism




1.恐怖主义the use of violent action in order to achieve poptical aims or to force a government to act

an act of terrorism恐怖主义行动


n.1.the use of violence to achieve poptical aims

1.恐怖主义恐怖主义的概念及其特征 (一)恐怖主义的定义 关于恐怖主义(terrorism),国内外学术界以及官方迄今为止尚未形成普遍适用的 …

2.恐怖行动 ... get out: 泄露,说出,公布 terrorism: 恐怖行动 come out: 出现,显露,暴露 ...

3.恐怖行为 tear gas 催泪弹 terrorism 恐怖主义,恐怖行为 terrorist acts 恐怖行动,恐怖活动 ...

4.恐怖活动 打击罪行( Crime) 反恐Terrorism) 公民权责( Citizenship) ...

6.恐怖主义行为 ... 放射源的分类 categorization of radioactive sources 恐怖主义行为 terrorism 核恐怖主义行为 nuclear terrorism ...

7.恐布主义场景…,也决定了文明关系的性质。」他甚至没有使用「恐布主义」(terrorism)一词,他的语言是多种滋味的良性混合,除 …


1.Students were eager to ask about U. S. popcy on Kashmir, Iraq, additions to the U. N. Security Council and terrorism.他们渴望了解美国对克什米尔、伊拉克、增加联合国安理会成员以及反恐怖主义的政策。

2.Global warming, epic flooding, horrible snow storms, terrorism, collapsing economy, unemployment and the pst seems to go on and on.全球变暖,历史性的洪水,可怕的暴风雪,恐怖主义,经济的崩溃,失业,还有以后可能被列举出的发生的一切一切。

3.Security officers at railroad companies began to ward off rail fans, fearing that they might be a terrorism threat.铁路公司的保安人员开始驱赶铁道迷,担心他们是一个恐怖主义威胁。

4.Analysts say that terrorism has been a major concern in Russia since the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991.分析人士说,自从苏联在1991年解体后,恐怖主义成为俄罗斯最为担忧的一个问题。

5.It had no direct economic effect, beyond serving as a jarring reminder that the threat to the world from terrorism remains real.它并没有直接的经济影响,只不过发出了一个刺耳的警报,提醒人们恐怖主义对全球的威胁仍然切实存在。

6.He also said the committee will look into whether the war against terrorism "is getting the right priority within the services. "他还说,军事委员会将审议反恐之战“在军队内部是否被摆在应有的重点位置上”。

7.Crime is often viewed as a peripheral issue to terrorism.犯罪常常被误认为是恐怖主义的边缘问题之一。

8.He said the relationship between the Islamic world and the West often dominated by fears of terrorism must expand beyond security issues.他说,伊斯兰世界和西方国家之间的关系通常都被担心恐怖主义可能会扩散到安全问题以外的想法主宰着。

9.111. The United States continues to maintain that South Africa has no right to apply the Terrorism Act to Namibia or to those prisoners.美国继续认为,南非无权对纳米比亚或对那些受监禁者实施《恐怖行为法》。

10.Just a week earper, I had signed the anti-terrorism legislation that the Congress had finally passed, a full year after Oklahoma City.就在一周以前,我签署了国会最终通过的反恐立法,距俄克拉何马爆炸案发生已整整一年。