


美式发音: [ɡrɪt] 英式发音: [ɡrɪt]




过去式:gritted  第三人称单数:grits  现在分词:gritting  同义词反义词






1.沙粒;沙砾;细沙very small pieces of stone or sand

I had a piece of grit in my eye.我眼睛里进了一粒沙子。

They were spreading grit and salt on the icy roads.他们在结冰的路上撒沙子和盐。

2.勇气;毅力the courage and determination that makes it possible for sb to continue doing sth difficult or unpleasant


1.~ sth(在结冰的路上)撒沙砾,撒盐,撒沙子to spread grit , salt or sand on a road that is covered with ice


She gritted her teeth against the pain.她咬牙忍痛。

‘Stop it!’ he said through gritted teeth.“住手!”他咬牙切齿地说。

It started to rain harder, but we gritted our teeth and carried on.雨开始大起来,可我们鼓起勇气继续进行。

grit your teeth咬紧牙关to bite your teeth tightly together

She gritted her teeth against the pain.她咬牙忍痛。

‘Stop it!’ he said through gritted teeth.“住手!”他咬牙切齿地说。

下定决心;鼓起勇气to be determined to continue to do sth in a difficult or unpleasant situation

It started to rain harder, but we gritted our teeth and carried on.雨开始大起来,可我们鼓起勇气继续进行。



n.1.Same as gritstone2.very small pieces of stone or sand3.determination to succeed, even in very difficult situations

1.砂砾 sand blasting 喷沙 grit 砂砾 derusting machine 除锈机 ...

2.沙砾 patent 专利 grit 沙砾 granule=peuet=grain 细粒 ...

3.粗砂 grip 握住 grit 粗砂 grizzly 灰色的 ...

4.粒度 defense 防御力量 grit 粒度(硬度) chrome 铬合金 ...

5.砂粒 grip length 握固长度 grit 砂砾;砂粒 grit removal 除砂 ...

6.粗砂岩 grillage foundation 格排基础 grit 粗砂;砂砾;粗砂岩 gritstone 粗砂岩 ...

7.勇气 grandfatherly a. 爷爷(或外公)般的 grit n. 勇气,坚毅 gumption n. (口语)魄力;进取心 ...

8.磨光粉 grip dynamometer 普通握力计436 grit 磨光粉 grommet ① 垫圈,护孔环 ②金属孔 ...


1.Grit your teeth and hang for just a bit for that.鼓起勇气,再坚持一会儿。

2.No one could doubt his grit or calm, even if he owed some of his steadiness to a prodigious consumption of cigarettes.没有人可以质疑他的胆识远见和冷静沉著,虽然他有部份的稳健来自于他庞大的酗烟量。

3.Even as a rookie, Bynum showed he had tenacity and grit, muscle and speed, and tons of potential oozing out of him.甚至作为新秀,拜纳姆就已经想人们展示了他的强悍和勇气,肌肉和速度,以及无限的潜力。

4.I have had a front row seat to his candidacy, and I have seen his strength and determination, his grace and his grit.我非常了解他的候选资格,我目睹了他的实力和决心,他的风度和毅力。

5.John Wayne. . . accepted the news with true grit "I've pcked the Big C before, " he said.约翰·韦恩以真正的勇气接受了这个坏消息,“我以前也战胜过癌症,”他说道。

6.They also looked for any insects that might have tainted the batch, as well as small stones and pieces of grit from the factory floor.有时他们还得小心别让厂房里的虫子,石子儿,或是沙砾混进茶堆,那样的话整批货都完了。

7.The sorption among sipcon atoms and diamond atoms is occurred due to the surface effect of the single grit.另外,发现磨粒原子与硅原子之间有黏附现象发生,这是由于纳米尺度磨粒的表面效应而产生的。

8.To succeed to do what's never been done before requires an enormous amount of fight grit and unrelenting tenacity.做一件从未做过的事需要做大量的心理斗争,无畏的勇气和持续不断的坚韧意志。

9.Cement grit arc is needed for the connection walls between the corrosive and cleaning areas. The radius should be at least 5cm.防蚀地面与洁净场所之地面与墙面交接处要做水泥砂浆圆固,其半径至少5公分;

10.Get all that city grit out of your hair.把你头发里那些大城市的砂粒都洗掉。