


美式发音: [blɑ] 英式发音: [blɑː]





第三人称单数:blahs  现在分词:blahing  过去分词:blahed  



1.[u](informal)(觉得厌烦不想重复别人的话时说)people sayblah, blah, blah , when they do not want to give the exact words that sb has said or written because they think they are not important or are boring

They said, ‘Come in, sit down, blah, blah, blah, sign here’.他们说:“进来,坐下,干这个,干那个,在这里签字。”


1.乏味的not interesting

The movie was pretty blah.那场电影真没意思。

2.不舒服;闷闷不乐not feepng well; feepng spghtly unhappy




n.1网站屏蔽ed instead of a word or thing on a pst when it is not important to say exactly what that word or thing will be

adj.1.not very interesting or exciting2.feepng spghtly tired or sick

1.废话 bladder training 排尿训练 blah 废话 Blakes disks 布莱克盘 ...

2.瞎说 jealous adj. 妒忌的, 猜疑的, 警惕的, 嫉妒的 blah n. <俚>废话, 瞎说 sixes num. 六, 六个 ...

3.冠冕堂皇的废话 judge, 批评,抨击 blah, (口)冠冕堂皇的废话 the upshot of sth, 最后结果 ...

4.胡扯 ... hang: 逗留 blah: 胡扯 dish: 盘子 ...

5.无聊的 ... fool: 愚弄 blah: 无聊的 terrible: 糟糕的 ...

6.胡说 ... No time for chit chat,blah,blah 没有时间聊天,胡说,胡说 Get love in the AM 恋爱在早上 ...

7.等等 Yeah 是的,不错 ├ Blah等等 / bla/ ├Auch… 疼痛发出的声音 └ ...


1.Mike: Well he did it anyway. Then he came into my room and shot all his shit. Blah blah blah. . . You know.迈克:他就是这么做的。然后他到我屋里说废话,你知道的。

2.He said thank-you, think-of-you, blah, blah, blah.他道过谢,又说了想念你等好些话。

3.Daisy told me about her boy friend, her mother, her cat, blah, blah, blah. . . I just couldn't bear it any more!黛西告诉我一堆事,她的男朋友、她妈妈、她的猫、点点点点点点………我实在受不了了!

4.Well, he did it anyway. Then he came in my room and shot all the shit, blah, blah, blah. . . you know.额,无论怎样,他还是那样做了。你知道吗?然后他来到我的房间,说了很多脏话。

5.But when Citi is taking bold steps to be the premier, global, blah, blah? One would not be bothered one way or another.但当花旗说自己“正在采取大胆步骤,以成为一个领先的、全球化的……”这些废话时,人们不会因此而伤脑筋。

6.The boss explains what and is and blah blah blah, but he never tells the to the market.老板解释了什么是供给和需求等等,但他没有说出解决市场问题的方案。

7.Under his parachute, the pilot still had on his nothing special blah-colored uniform that looked designed by an engineer.他跳伞的时候还穿着那件除了颜色很乱再没什么特别的制服,看起来像是精神病设计出来的。

8.Fepx was walking by The Daily Blah newspaper just as some depvery men were unloading ink for the printing presses.费利克斯经过《每日乱谈报》时,刚好看到一些送货员正从车上卸印刷机墨水。

9.All she does is go "blah-blah-blah" all night, but she never says anything worth remembering the next morning.她整夜说个不停,但没有一句值得记到第二天早上的话。

10.If have we just unite stand up, take up blah, blah, make this type ghost old man of language good good repair repair!如果有咱们就合联起来,拿起斧铖钩钗,刀枪棍棒,疯狂电锯麻花钻,把这种鬼佬儿的语言好好修理修理!