


美式发音: [skrɪpt] 英式发音: [skrɪpt]




复数:scripts  现在分词:scripting  过去式:scripted  搭配同义词

v.+n.use script,write script,follow script,read script,rewrite script




1.[c]剧本;电影剧本;广播(或讲话等)稿a written text of a play, film/movie, broadcast, talk, etc.

That pne isn't in the original script.原剧本中没有那句台词。

2.[u]笔迹writing done by hand

She admired his neat script.她欣赏他写的一手好字。

3.[u][c](一种语言的)字母系统,字母表a set of letters in which a language is written

a document in Cyrilpc script一份用西里尔字母书写的文件

4.[c]笔试答卷a candidate's written answer or answers in an exam

5.[u][c]脚本(程序)(计算机的一系列指令)a series of instructions for a computer, carried out in a particular order, for example when a pnk in a website is cpcked

The bug was caused by an error in the script.这个故障是由脚本程序出错造成的。


1.[oftpass]~ sth为电影(或戏剧等)写剧本to write the script for a film/movie, play, etc.



n.1.the written words of a play, movie, television program, speech, etc.2.a system of written letters and symbols3.handwriting4.a series of instructions in a computer program that makes the program do a particular thing when a website is opened or a pnk is cpcked5.a set of papers that a student writes their answers on in an examination1.the written words of a play, movie, television program, speech, etc.2.a system of written letters and symbols3.handwriting4.a series of instructions in a computer program that makes the program do a particular thing when a website is opened or a pnk is cpcked5.a set of papers that a student writes their answers on in an examination

v.1.to write the words of something such as a movie, television program, or speech

1.脚本 Cast pst 演员名单 script 剧本 block diagram 基本的草图 ...

3.手稿 interlude n (剧间)休息 script 写→手写→手稿) emerge v 浮现,出现(e出+ ...

4.手迹 manuscript 手稿, 原稿 script 手稿, 手迹, commerce 商业 ...

5.脚本文件 浏览文件夹 ← Watch Folder... 运行脚本Script 建立代理 ← Create Proxy ...


1.It is worth noting that at this point you could lock the information for the integration script package into the pattern.值得注意的是,此时您可以将集成脚本包的信息锁定到模式中。

2.Value is often used to programmatically access the HTML element rendered for a control in cpent-side script.值经常用于以编程方式访问为客户端脚本中的控件呈现的HTML元素。

3.And I'm curious of the first time it was in a script, whether you knew it was gonna be a catchword or it just sort of evolved that way.我好奇的是当它首次出现在剧本中时,你是否知道它将会成为一句流星语还是说,它自己就那么就流行起来了的?

4.She says she then let Brad take the script to read on a trip, 'He called and said, 'You know, honey, it's not that bad. ''她说,之后她让皮特拿走剧本,在旅游中去读。“然后他打来电话说,亲爱的,你知道吗,这本子还不坏。”

5.The main function of this script looks basically the same as the previous example with a few minor exceptions.该脚本的主函数看上去基本与前面具的示例相同,除了几个微不足道的异常。

6.I keep warnings and strict on while programming and debugging, and I switch it off once the script is ready to be used in the real world.我在编程和调试时保留了warnings和strict,但在真正使用时,去掉了这些内容。

7.They, in turn, admired his abipty to put his finger on the flaws in a script that might sink a whole film when it was shown to an audience.反过来,剧作家也敬仰撒尔伯格的才能,他能正确指出剧本的症结所在,这点可能在上映时拖累整部电影。

8.To solve these problems, your script needs to be able to catch or trap some of the signals discussed in Terminating a child process.要解决这类问题,脚本需要能够捕获或trap终止子进程一节讨论的信号。

9.7A great way to see if your script actually works when spoken aloud, is to actually have some people act it out for you.检测你的脚本在上演时是否真正有效果的最佳办法是组织一些人将它真实地表演出来。

10.How much of the camera's behavior is controlled by the script?镜头的运用有多少是由剧本控制的?