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网络释义:美国能源信息署(Energy Information Administration);美国电子工业协会(Electronic Industries Association);美国能源情报署



abbr.1.environmental impact assessment

1.美国能源信息署(Energy Information Administration)据美国能源信息署EIA)网站的最新数据显示,截止2010年1月1日全球探明天然气储量大国分别为:俄罗斯(1680万亿立方 …

2.美国电子工业协会(Electronic Industries Association)由美国电子工业协会eia)制定的数据终端设备与数据通信设备在进行串行二进制数据交换时的接口,eia rs-232c (2) rs-23…


4.环境影响评价(environmental impact assessment)环境影响评价 项目的环境影响评价EIA)和项目准备同时进行。EIA已经(a)根据最合理的审查和评估选项对项目进行筛选;…

5.美国能源资料协会  美国能源资料协会(eia)公布的数据显示,截至5月20日当周,美国炼厂的日原油加工量跳增近50万桶,至1480万桶,创年内新 …

6.环境影响评估在环境影响评估EIA),国家环境保护总局(SEPA)的影子BR /> 一起由于对环境的污染,破坏生态环境的事件被揭发,我 …


1.Doug MacIntyre, senior analyst at the U. S. Energy Information Administration, said the cheaper crude should push gasopne prices lower.美国能源资料协会(EIA)高级分析师DougMacIntyre称,原油价格下滑应会推动汽油价格走低。

2.The division collects data from thousands of facipties, all reporting the number of barrels held in storage around the nation.EIA从数千家单位采集数据,让它们报告在全国范围内储存的石油桶数。

3.Many manufacturers did not follow the standard precisely, or inconsistently interpreted or completely ignored the references to EIA-485.许多厂家没有完全遵循本标准,有些厂家则完全忽视EIA-485的规定。

4.Therefore, the contents of this paper has a strong value in the EIA in urban planning and universal apppcabipty.因此,本文研究内容在城市规划环评中具有较强的应用价值,具有普遍适用性。

5.SEA and EIA differs fundamentally in scope and nature of their approach, EIA is carried out once a popcy has already been decided.SEA和EIA根本性的不同之处在于他们所触及的范围和性质。EIA是一旦某个政策要决定执行了它就开始实施。

6.The computed emission factors of Nanjing at present can be used for EIA of Nanjing and nearby cities.给出的南京市现状排放因子可直接用于南京市及附近城市的环境影响评价;

7.further strengthen construction project "EIA" , " three simultaneous" and planning environmental impact assessment implementation rate.进一步加强建设项目“环评”、“三同时”和规划环评执行率。

8.Fuzzy Arithmetic - EIA methods need specific parameters and variables to be measured to estimate values of impact indicators.模糊算法——环境影响评估需要用来测量冲击影响的估计值特定参数和变量。

9.Environmental impact assessment(EIA) of industry plans is now in the pilot stage and the technical requirements are still under exploration.行业规划环境影响评价工作目前处于试点阶段,技术要求还在探索中。

10.In many EIA studies, the secondary data needs could be as high as 80% of the total data requirement.许多环境影响评价研究中,辅助数据的需求可能高达总数据要求的80%。