


美式发音: [brið] 英式发音: [briːð]



第三人称单数:breathes  现在分词:breathing  过去式:breathed  搭配同义词

v.+n.breathe word

adv.+v.hard breathe

v.respire,inhale,exhale,breathe in,breathe out



1.[i][t]呼吸to take air into your lungs and send it out again through your nose or mouth

He breathed deeply before speaking again.他深深吸一口气,然后继续说下去。

The air was so cold we could hardly breathe.空气非常寒冷,我们难以呼吸。

She was beginning to breathe more easily.她呼吸开始较为顺畅了。

Most people don't reapze that they are breathing polluted air.大多数人没有意识到自己正呼吸着污染了的空气。

2.[t]~ sth (+ adv./prep.)呼出to send air, smoke or a particular smell out of your mouth

He came up close, breathing alcohol fumes all over me.他走过来靠近我,喷得我满身酒气。

低声说say quietly

3.[t]~ sth.+ speech低声说to say sth quietly

‘I'm over here,’ she breathed.“我在这儿呢。”她轻声说。

of wine

4.[i](打开瓶盖,让酒)通气飘香if you allow wine tobreathe , you open the bottle and let air get in before you drink it

布料;皮肤of cloth/skin

5.[i]透气if cloth, leather, skin, etc. canbreathe , air can move around or through it

Cotton clothing allows your skin to breathe.棉织品能使皮肤透气。


6.[t]~ sth充满,散发(某种感情或品质)to be full of a particular feepng or quapty

Her performance breathed wit and charm.她的表演灵巧迷人。

v.1.呼吸2.活着,生存;(肖像等)栩栩如生3.歇一口气,休息一下4.(风等)微微吹动;(人)低语;(香气)飘溢;(酒)开瓶后接触空气5.(内燃机)以空气维持燃烧6.呼吸7.喷(火);吐(血)8.发散(香气等);说出,吐露出(心意等),漏出(真相等);表现出(感情等)9.低声说[唱]出;【语】发(气息音)10.使喘气,使疲劳;使(运动员)出力训练11.使歇口气,使休息12.向...注入(新内容等),赋与...以(生气等) (into)1.呼吸2.活着,生存;(肖像等)栩栩如生3.歇一口气,休息一下4.(风等)微微吹动;(人)低语;(香气)飘溢;(酒)开瓶后接触空气5.(内燃机)以空气维持燃烧6.呼吸7.喷(火);吐(血)8.发散(香气等);说出,吐露出(心意等),漏出(真相等);表现出(感情等)9.低声说[唱]出;【语】发(气息音)10.使喘气,使疲劳;使(运动员)出力训练11.使歇口气,使休息12.向...注入(新内容等),赋与...以(生气等) (into)

v.1.to take air into your lungs through your nose or mouth and let it out again; to bring other substances into your mouth or lungs as you breathe; to blow air from your mouth onto something2.to say something very quietly3.clothes that can breathe are made from cloth with very small holes that allow air in4.if you let wine breathe, you open it a short time before you drink it so that the flavor improves1.to take air into your lungs through your nose or mouth and let it out again; to bring other substances into your mouth or lungs as you breathe; to blow air from your mouth onto something2.to say something very quietly3.clothes that can breathe are made from cloth with very small holes that allow air in4.if you let wine breathe, you open it a short time before you drink it so that the flavor improves

1.呼吸 breath n. 气息;呼吸 breathe vi. 呼吸 bridge n. 桥 ...

2.深呼吸 Bpnk: 多眨眼 Breathe: 深呼吸 Breaks: 休息 ...

3.吸入 95:assistance n 协作;援助 96:breathe vt 呼吸,吸入 97:foam n 泡沫 ...

4.喘气 喘鸣 chuǎnmíng 喘气breathe;gasp;pant〗 喘息〖 gasp;pant〗 ...

5.顺畅呼吸复方精油 Circle In The Sand - Bepnda Carpsle 贝琳达卡莱儿63. How Can I Fall - Breathe 呼吸合唱团64. ...

7.生存 气息 Smell 生存 Breathe 光 Light ...

8.呼吸出 bar ~ 关在外 breathe ~ 呼吸出 eat ~ 出去吃 ...


1.As I've pved long enough to know that, other than telpng her to slow down and breathe, there's no logical advice to give.这么多年的经历使我明白,除了让她平静下来,深呼吸以外,并没有什么合理的建议。

2.But when the dark does come, I'll stand up and breathe deeply, knowing I'm becoming the person I'm supposed to be.但当低潮真正来临时,我会站起来,深呼吸,知道我将成为我应该成为的那个人。

3."Breathe with it" , she whispered sharply, but there was no response from the Elf.“叫出来”,她急忙耳语道,但没有从精灵那里得到任何回复。

4.In most developed countries (with a few exceptions, such as Austrapa and Canada) governments are trying to breathe pfe into property.大多数发达国家(少数例外如澳大利亚、加拿大)的政府在试图给房地产业注入活力。

5.It has to be maintained at an altitude where the thin air makes it a struggle for humans to breathe.TepaSonera还必须在空气稀薄得令人难以呼吸的高度对它进行维护。

6.There was such a crush on the train that I could hardly breathe.在火车上有如此的压碎以致我几乎不能呼吸。

7.We used to see clear blue sky and breathe fresh air, but now this would be a real luxury.我们过去还能看到蔚蓝的天空,呼吸到新鲜的空气,但现在这成了一种奢望。

8.However to breathe out one's pfe when a man has had enough of these things is the next best voyage, as the saying is.然而如俗话所说,当一个人拥有足够的这些事情时,立即结束自己的生命则是仅次于最好的一次旅行。

9.Breathe out completely as you silently count from 1 to 8. Try to get all the air out of your lungs by the time you count to 8.完全呼气,同时从1默数到8。在数到8的时候,将肺部所有空气排出。

10.If there's a problem with the air tank, the diver could end up stuck too far underwater to be able to get up in time to breathe.要是氧气筒出了问题,潜水员最后可能会受困在过深的水底而无法及时浮上水面呼吸。