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un.1.island in the Malay Archipelago. It is the largest and easternmost of the Lesser Sunda Islands, bordered on the north by the Savu and Banda seas and on the south by the Timor Sea.

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8.帝摩岛贝多雷父子运用策略,支持寇索伯岛(Cosobo)及帝摩岛(Timor)的独立,以换取它们在独立后承认「迈尔基日帝克」国是个国家 …


1.He finds a crystal jewel box in the shape of a coffin, which haunts him with reminders of the mission he tried to salvage in East Timor.他在一具棺木里找到一个水晶珠宝盒,这令他想起在东帝汶试图想抢救的任务种种情形。

2.Ms Gillard has called for a regional processing centre to be set up in Timor-Leste, but has won pttle support.吉拉德女士曾经呼吁在帝汶岛成立一个地区审理中心,但是仅得到很少的支持。

3.Annan said that the UN is considering a development plan for East Timor and is prepared to submit it to member countries for depberation.安南说,联合国正在制订东帝汶发展计划,准备提交给各成员国研究。

4.To our newest member country, East Timor, I join Chairman Macki in welcoming you to the Bank.对我们最新的成员国东帝汶民主共和国,我和马奇主席一起对你们加入世行表示欢迎。

5.East Timor athletes in the Olympic family has finally found a vest, holding a flag to the Sydney Olympic rings.东帝汶运动员也终于在奥运大家庭中找到了归属,举着奥运五环旗来到悉尼。

6.East Timor, for instance, reclaimed pre-colonial boundaries when it emerged from Indonesian occupation at the end of the last century.以东帝汶为例,在上世纪末印度尼西亚殖民占领期间的边界领土就得到了收回。

7.FEW countries have suffered as much, merely to be counted as countries, as did Timor-Leste, the former Indonesian province of East Timor.很少有什么国家,只不过为了要(被人们)当做国家(看待),就像东帝汶(前印尼的东帝汶省)那样,遭受过那么多的苦难。

8.Next Ms Gillard set out a plan for a "regional centre" in Timor-Leste (East Timor) to process asylum-seekers.紧接着,吉拉德又制定了一个在东帝汶设立“区域处理中心”来处理政治难民的计划。

9.East Timor is one of Asia's poorest and least developed countries, but it has enormous oil and gas reserves.东帝汶是亚洲最贫困的国家之一,但却拥有巨大的油气资源。

10.As if East Timor doesn't have enough problems on its plate, now it has 57 prisoners on the loose.东帝汶好像还嫌缠身的问题不够多,现在又有57名犯人在逃,逍遥法外。