


美式发音: [və'nesə] 英式发音: [və'nesə]





1.瓦妮莎 Truda 杜达 条顿 受喜爱的女孩 Vanessa 瓦妮莎 希腊 蝴蝶 Venus 维纳斯 希腊 爱与美的女神 ...

2.凡妮莎 Ursula 厄休拉 Vanessa 温妮莎 Venus 维纳斯 ...

4.瓦内萨 Margaret 玛格丽特 339. Vanessa 瓦内萨 Vera 薇拉 ...

5.瓦妮莎……蝴蝶 Tracy 翠西……市场小径 Vanessa 瓦妮莎……蝴蝶 Vera 维拉……诚实 忠诚 ...

6.范妮莎 RAMON 雷蒙(原创) VANESSA 芭妮莎 (原创) LIN 麟 (原创) ...


1.His wife, Vanessa, also released a statement, saying she stood by her husband; "He is not a criminal, " she said.布莱恩特的妻子,瓦内萨,也发表了声明。她会站在丈夫的这边:“他没有犯罪!”

2.Vanessa was the first girl, and possibly the last, who earned the right to be a part of my world.瓦妮莎是有权进入我的生活的第一个女孩,也可能是最后一个。

3.Vanessa: You know as well as I do that money talks. He's just trying to make a splash in the business community.你和我都知道金钱万能。他只是努力想在商界引起轰动。

4.dan, I know that you're mr. soccer now, But you and I both know you prefer to hang out with girls. Vanessa, serena, once upon a time.丹,我知道你现在是足球小子,但你知我知,你喜欢和女孩混在一起。从前的,瓦内萨,瑟琳娜。

5.In a recent interview, Vanessa spoke of their bond. And Zac said the pair's love was "exactly how it should be" .在最近的采访中凡妮莎还说到两人的恋情,扎克也说他们俩的感情是“就该是这样”。

6.'Wayne knows that he was one of several Chelsea players who were close to Vanessa.布里奇知道,有几个和瓦内萨关系密切的切尔西球员,他只是其中一个。

7.At which point Vanessa told him she was a married woman and he was a married man who was old enough to be her father.那时,瓦娜莎告诉他,她是个已婚女子,而他也是已婚男子,老得可以作她父亲。

8.Vanessa and I touched each other all the time, even in front of her mother or mine.瓦尼莎和我总是彼此肌肤相亲,即使是在她母亲或者我母亲的面前。

9.Simon: Vanessa, would you mind if I had a few words with you?西蒙:瓦妮莎,你不介意我跟你聊两句吧?。

10.I knew Vanessa had been kissed on the mouth many times, but I dismissed Marianela's fears about her daughter's imminent deflowering.我知道瓦妮莎已经被吻过好多次嘴巴了,可我解除了玛丽内拉对她女儿即将失去少女童贞的担心。