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1.薛凯琪 Eve 伊芙 Fiona 菲奥纳 Frederica 弗雷德里卡 ...

4.菲欧娜 Blanche( 白蓝雪) Fiona斐奥娜) Elodie( 伊洛蒂) ...


1.The caretaking skills were no doubt those of Fiona, on his left; he remembered noticing the tenderness with which she had bathed the Old.照护技能无疑是费欧娜,在他的左边;他记得注意过她温柔的对待她帮忙洗过澡的老人。

2.It's almost more than Will can bear, especially when he reapzes how much he cares about Rachel, Marcus, even wacky Fiona.威尔几乎应付不了这个局面,特别是当他意识到他对雷切尔、马库斯、甚至疯疯癫癫的菲奥纳的关切之情。

3.Isabel Why? He said he had been a counselor of Queen Fiona, your own sister!伊莎贝尔可为什么?他说他是菲奥纳女皇——你亲妹妹的顾问。

4.Oh, just some food, clothes and a time machine. Fiona wore a nice new sweater and sunglasses with a yellow T-Shirt and jeans.“弄了些吃的,衣服和一部时光穿梭机”霏欧纳穿着一件漂亮的新毛衣,黄色体恤、牛仔裤,还带着一副太阳镜。

5.Trade mark speciapst Fiona McBride, from law firm Withers and Rogers, said the move was "not as unexpected as it may sound " .来自于威瑟斯和罗杰斯律师公司的商标专家菲奥娜麦克布赖德说:此举是“听起来并不意外”。

6.When you mentioned Fiona's hair, it was the clue that told me you were probably beginning to see the color red.我以前就注意到了。当你提到费欧娜的头发,那给了我一个线索,或许你开始看到红色。

7.Fiona: I'd better not. It's time to go and I really need my beauty sleep as I've got to get up very early in the morning.菲奥纳:不要了,是时候离开了。我明天一早就得起床,今晚要睡个可以使我容光焕发的睡眠。

8.Fiona: 'Brian told me that you were going to finapse that big deal with Peter Thomson today. How did it go? '费盎娜:“布莱告诉我,你今天会和彼特.托马森敲定最后的协议,这事办得怎么样?”

9.It seems impossible not to fall in love with Fiona, or to watch her struggles without cringing and crying.观众似乎很难不爱上菲奥娜,我们会目睹她奋力前行时毫无畏惧和泪水。

10.The king had a commitment with Fairy Godmother to let Fiona marry with her son Prince Charming.国王很早和仙女教母谈好了条件,要让费奥娜嫁给她的儿子白马王子。