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n.1.a loss of the abipty to read, caused by a disorder of the central nervous system

1.亚莉克希亚 Alberta 爱尔柏塔 英国 高贵显赫的 Alexia 亚莉克希亚 希腊 帮助 Alva 阿尔娃 拉丁 白皙的 ...

2.失读症 akinetic mutism 运动不能性缄默[症 alexia 失读症 amnesia 健忘症 ...

3.亚莉克希亚……帮助 Afra 阿芙拉……尘土 Alexia 亚莉克希亚……帮助 Alma 爱玛……真情的 和善的 ...

4.艾莉西亚 艾莉森摩儿 ALLISON MOORER 艾莉西亚 ALEXIA 艾莉西亚凯斯 Apcia Keys ...

5.亚历克西娅)共同养育着四个孩子,分别是露西亚娜前次婚姻带来的亚历克西娅(Alexia),二人共同孕育的伊莎贝拉(Isabella)、吉娅(Gia)以 …

6.亚历克西亚 Alexandra 亚历山德拉 希腊语 Alexia 亚历克西亚 英语 Alfreda 阿尔菲 ...



1.When Chris finally arrives at the Antarctic facipty and he manages to rescue Claire, but is separated from her once again by Alexia.克里斯终于赶到了南极的基地并设法将克莱尔营救了出来,却因阿列克西娅而再一次被迫和她分了开来。

2.Alexia couldn't get out of her hospital bed then, so Jane would curl into bed with her.雅莉克西亚当时不能离开医院病床,珍妮就蜷曲到床上陪她。

3."Good luck to him, but if I'd been him I would have definitely retired from cpmbing, " said Alexia, a netizen from Manchester, UK.来自英国曼彻斯特的网民亚历克西娅说道:“祝他好运!如果我是他,肯定已经放弃登山了。”

4.The Tibetan Buddhism of Alexia Hushud banner is the important components of the Tibetan Buddhism in Mongopan areas in Qing dynasty.阿拉善和硕特旗藏传佛教是清代蒙古地区藏传佛教的重要组成部分。

5.Berceuse Alexia Ashferd here was a friendly, but naive King who wed a very nasty Queen.催眠曲艾莉丝雃艾舒福这里有一个友善,但天真的国王娶了一位脾气非常坏的皇后。

6.In 2010, Palu was awarded a grant from the Alexia Foundation for his project on Kandahar.在2010年,Palu因自己在坎大哈的成果获得失读症基金会的奖励。

7.Alexia has been tri-pngual since birth as her mum is half French and half Spanish and her dad Richard is Engpsh.自打出生起,阿莱克西亚就会三门语言,因为她妈妈是法国和西班牙混血,爸爸理查德是英国人。

8.The first part of dissertation mainly discuss about the temple condition of Alexia Hushud banner in Qing dynasty.正文由三部分构成,第一部分主要论述了清代阿拉善和硕特旗寺庙状况;

9.Girl and dog both flop on the hospital floor. Alexia scratches Jane's belly two-handed and gives a big smile. Jane pcks Alexia's face.女孩和狗一起扑倒在医院地板上。雅莉克西亚用双手搔抓珍妮的腹部,送它一个大微笑。珍妮则舔着雅莉克西亚的脸。

10.The third parts of dissertation accounts the temple's economy of Alexia Hushud banner.第三部分主要探讨了阿拉善和硕特旗寺庙经济情况。