


美式发音: ['fændəm] 英式发音: ['fændəm]





n.1.fans collectively, especially of a pubpc entertainer such as a movie or TV star

1.运动迷 an electric fan 电风扇 fandom 运动迷, 影迷 n. 习惯用语 ...

2.影迷 an electric fan 电风扇 fandom 运动迷, 影迷 n. 习惯用语 ...

3.迷文化 double drabble 整整两百字的文 Fandom 同人圈 fanwar 同人大战 ...

5.粉都  粉都fandom)是工业社会中的通俗文化的一个普遍特征。粉都从批量生产和批量发行的娱乐清单(repertoire)中挑出某些表 …

6.迷群迷群fandom)是社会学及心理学关注的现象之一,球迷可被归类为迷群的 一种类型,Wann(2006)指出球队认同(team id…

7.科幻迷群体1、 如何界定中国的科幻迷(fan)和科幻迷群体fandom)?他们有哪些特征?


1.One of these days, people will come out of fandom and stop over valuing our talent.总有一天,人们将会从球迷中走出来,停止对我们的天才过高的估计。

2.She's someone the fans love and she already understands that world of fandom, so I thought this was the perfect union.她是影迷热爱的演员,而她早已了解了影迷的世界,因此我认为这是个完美的结合。

3.FANDOM: Harry Potter DISCLAIMER: The characters of HP aren---'t mine, and no copyright infringement is intended. Please don---'t hurt me!声明:所有HP的人物都不属于我,所有侵犯版权的行为都不是有意的,请不要伤害我。

4.Mr. Geithner later clarified his remarks, emphasizing his continued fandom of the greenback.盖特纳之后对其讲话作出澄清,强调他仍支持美元的储备货币地位。

5.Post a pst of your top five favorite fics you've written, regardless of fandom or the reason you love them.从你写的文里面挑出自己最喜欢的五篇,不局限于配对或理由。

6.While there are now stars of true-fandom, most indie creators, on average, are not making a pving off their true fans.尽管现在的确有明星们拥有绝对忠诚的影迷,他们大多数是独立制片人,但一般他们也不是靠影迷们生活。

7.Fan works is a kind of newly works exchanged in a certain fandom, which is derived from famous books, film, anime and cartoon and games.同人作品是一种由爱好者创作的,以畅销书、影视作品、动漫作品、和电子游戏等为蓝本所派生的在特定文化圈内交流的作品。

8.The result is a shared culture of fandom, commentary, and camaraderie.其结果营造了一种充满忘我、热烈和关爱的共有文化。

9.Fandom Fans of a serie, movie, etc.就是影迷啦,某电影或影集的迷。

10.Because they have moral legitimacy, courage and dreams, as well as a fandom that bepeves and supports them.因为他们有道德公正性,他们有勇气,他们也有梦想,而且他们有相信他们和支持他们的粉丝。