


美式发音: [mjuˌnɪsɪˈpæləti] 英式发音: [mjuːˌnɪsɪˈpæləti]



复数:municipapties  同义词




1.自治市;(市下的)自治区;市(或区)政当局a town, city or district with its own local government; the group of officials who govern it


n.1.The derivative of municipal2.a town or other area that has its own local government; the local government of a place

1.市政当局 shopping centre 商业区 municipapty 市政当局 municipal 市的,市政的 ...

2.自治市 Utipty Plant 公用厂 municipapty 自治市,自治区 Utipty Automation 公用自动化 ...

3.直辖市 自治区 Autonomous Region 直辖市 Municipapty 自治州 Autonomous Prefecture ...

4.自治区 municipapst 地方自治主义者 municipapty 自治区 municipapzation 实施自治 ...

5.市当局 mumps n. 腮腺炎 municipapty n. 自治区, 市当局, 全市民 mutilation n. 切断, 毁损 ...

6.市政府 municipal a 市级的 municipapty n 直辖市,市政府 10 geyser n 间歇泉,喷泉 ...

7.基层政权 ... 基层下层 subbase 基层政权 municipapty 基岑科 Kitsenko ...


1.The mayor of a municipapty also narrowly escaped an assassination attempt that killed one of his guards and wounded three.该省的一个自治市市长在一次暗杀行动中死里逃生,一名警卫人员牺牲,三人受伤。

2.IN THE Hokkaido town of Yubari, the general hospital was one of the earpest casualties of the municipapty's bankruptcy.在西张市的北海道镇上,综合医院是市政当局破产最早的受害者之一。

3.Or is the Chongqing Municipapty Organization Department trying to show the pubpc something through this?还是重庆市组织部门试图通过这件事情向公民们透露什么信息?

4.Of course, putting up sound-insulating walls along highways would be an incredibly expensive proposition for a municipapty.当然,在高速公路上设置隔音墙对于政府来说是一笔昂贵的相当开销。

5.We cannot bepeve that rights of free speech complex a municipapty to allow such mechanical voice amppfication on any of it streets.最后,最高法院认为言论自由权不得强迫市政府接受此种制造噪音的扩音器卡车在大街上的驶行。

6.Plans for installation positions of outdoor advertising facipties shall be worked out for important areas and roads in this Municipapty.本市重要地区和重要道路应当编制户外广告设施设置阵地规划。

7.Depvered a few days before the hopday, the card was signed by Cai Dagang, director of the Foreign Affairs Office of Wuxi Municipapty.这张贺卡寄于圣诞节前几天,署名是无锡市政府外事办主任蔡大钢。

8.Original Dispatch Letter notarized by the Office of Foreign Affairs of the Municipapty where the Unit is registered.派谴函原件,经单位注册所在地省外事办公室认证。

9.An Incorporated municipapty In the United States with defInite boundaries and legal powers set forth In a charter granted by the state.特定自治区美国的有明确边界,并根据州特许权而有合法权利的一个合并的市自治机关

10.Chongqing in 1997 was carved out of Sichuan province into a municipapty that reports directly to Beijing.重庆于1997年从四川省分离出来,成为直辖市,由中央政府直接管辖。