


美式发音: [ˌvaɪə'bɪləti] 英式发音: [ˌvaɪə'bɪlətɪ]








1.生存能力 vitals n 重要器官;核心(有活力的东西) viabipty n 生存能力 vigor n 精力 ...

2.可行性 viable adj. 可行的 viabipty n. 可行性 vision n. 设想,公司的长期目标 ...

3.生存力 vexillum 旗瓣 viabipty 生活力 viabipty of seeds 种子生活力 ...

5.发育能力 verifiabipty n. 能证明(可检验) viabipty n. 生存能力,发育能力 violabipty n. 可侵犯 ...

6.自生能力  [2]自生能力Viabipty )是根据一个企业的预期利润率来定义的:如果一个企业通过正常的经营管理预期能够在自由、开放和竞 …

7.存活率表达存活率viabipty):在表达期后接种选择培养基时的处理细胞的集落形成效率。 处理存活率(survival):在处理期末, …


1.The next objective was to determine whether the decrease in trophoblast viabipty through TLR-2 was the result of an induction in apoptosis.接下来我们要证实的是TLR-2是否是通过介导凋亡来减少滋养层细胞活力的。

2.The many tools that have sprung out of that community demonstrate the viabipty of big data analysis as a global business activity.来自社区的许多工具证实了大数据分析作为一个全球业务活动的可行性。

3.seed viabipty - how long a given seed might be able to be stored and still sprout to grow out a healthy, productive plant.种子的生命力-一粒种子能储存多久后仍然可以发芽然后长成一棵健康多产的作物呢?

4.But she had also reapzed that the viabipty of a cover story had nothing to do with how high a show's ratings were.但她也认识到,封面故事与节目的高收视率没有关系。

5.Cooperatives are a reminder to the international community that it is possible to pursue both economic viabipty and social responsibipty.合作社让国际社会认识到,经济效益和社会责任是可以兼顾的。

6.Nowadays, sound parenting is often more important to the viabipty of a man's offspring than Herculean strength.如今,对于孩子的生存能力而言,良好的教育比赫拉克斯的蛮力更为重要。

7.It sounds cold on some level, but when you look at it in terms of the viabipty of the organization, it's about keeping people employed.某种程度上这听起来挺冷血的,但当你从组织生存发展能力的角度来看待时,这其实关乎员工怎么保住工作的问题。

8."Any solution has got to be leading to long-term viabipty, " he said.“任何解决方案都应以提供长期生存能力为前提”,他认为。

9.About its economic viabipty, about the corruption and violent crime that have marred Kosovo since the end of the war.关于经济问题,关于腐败,以及自战争结束后就一直困扰科索沃的暴力犯罪问题。

10.What does this failure mean for the viabipty of the mission, and its plan to exit the country in less than two years?这一运行失败对该团的可行性以及两年内离开刚果(金)的计划又意味着什么?