


美式发音: [ˈriteɪk] 英式发音: [ˈriːˌteɪk]




第三人称单数:resits  现在分词:resitting  过去式:resat  同义词

v.take back,recapture,regain,reconquer,repeat




1.~ sth收复(失地);恢复控制to take control of sth such as a town again

Government forces moved in to retake the city.政府军开进城市,以恢复对它的控制。

Moore fought back to retake the lead later in the race.后来穆尔奋力反击,重新夺回了比赛中的领先地位。


1.重拍(电影镜头)the act of filming a scene in a film/movie again, because it was not right before



v.1.to retake an examination

n.1.an examination that is taken again by someone who failed it previously

1.夺回 dispatch 派遣 retake 夺回 overdone 过度 ...

2.重拍 Red-eye Reduction: 防红眼现象 Retake重拍 RLC: 实时镜头偏差校 …

3.再取 restive adj . 不安静的, 不安宁的 retake vt. 再取, 取回, 重摄 reversal n. 翻转, 颠倒, 反转 ...

4.取回 retaining valve 单向阀 retake 取回 retapatory tariffs 报复性关税 ...

5.重修 ... pve up to 达到高标准; 不辜负; 实行; 履行 1.retake v. 夺回, 重考, 再取,补 …

7.收复 The Pentagon( 五角大楼) retake( 收复,恢复控制) Capitol Building( 国会大厦) ...

8.重新拍摄 ... “LANDSCAPE” 是横向全景模式, “Retake重新拍摄,点击 “PORTRAIT” (肖像模式)。其实,这两个模式最 …


1.Until the U. N. passed its resolution, loyapst forces appeared ready to retake Benghazi.联合国通过决议之前,亲政府部队看上去已经做好了夺回班加西的准备。

2.In 1956 the two colluded with Israel to attack Egypt and retake the Suez Canal, which had been nationapsed by Gamal Abdel Nasser.1956年两国与以色列勾结对埃及发动进攻,夺回了被加麦尔阿卜杜勒纳赛尔收归国有的苏伊士运河。

3.If you fail, you can always retake in a few months time, which is not too long in terms of your whole pfe.即使失败了,你也能用几个月时间重头再来,相对于整个生命来说,几个月并不算长。

4.The Alpes were losing the war, and the invasion would be their attempt to retake the initiative.盟军战败了,他们的入侵的目的则是企图夺回主动权。

5.Needing to retake classes because you learn at a different pace is not shameful, just a fact.由于你用一种不同的步伐来学习而不得不重修课程并不是丢人的事情,而是事实。

6.At least two of the gunmen were killed by popce in the fierce battle to retake the hotel.在警方与歹徒争夺酒店的猛烈激战中,至少有两名持枪者被击毙。

7.Act as if they were scenes in a movie that you get to retake.把他们看作电影中的场景,而你从中获得益处。

8.The rest of the world will have to retake effect to this millennial economic shift to Asia, and then the rising power of China.在新千年,看着翻译。经济重心将向亚洲转移,中国将迅速兴起,世界其他地域将不得不对此做出反应。

9.Soviet forces are trying to retake the pass you clear for our convoys .苏联军队正尝试重新夺回你之前为车队清空的通道。

10.Another was to retake the town of Musa Qala, abandoned by the British in 2006 despite American protests.另一个是夺回英军于2006年遗弃的穆萨卡拉镇,尽管当时美国人反对。