




1.吉隆坡国际展览中心9年7月15日—18日(展出时间4天) 展出地点:吉隆坡国际展览中心Lumpur) 主办单位:马来西亚AMB展览公司 国内组展: …

2.波德申 ... 马来西亚 Malaysia 波德申 Lumpur 旅行社 TOUR ...

3.爱化摩莎 ... 马来西亚 Malaysia 爱化摩莎 Lumpur 旅行社 TOUR ...

4.特优奖 ... KEVIN GOH YEE SHUER 吴宜学 K. LUMPUR 特优奖 ANG WEI LIANG 洪维良 ...

5.佳作奖 ... LEONG KOK WEI 梁国辉 K. LUMPUR 佳作奖 WONG XIAN JUN 王贤俊 ...

6.泥巴 ... Halal 伊斯兰合法食物 Lumpur 泥巴 The Son 少年 ...


1.Sabah DAP feels that Madam Tan has no reason to pe that she was asked to refer to Kuala Lumpur about her case.沙行动党认为,陈女士没有理由撒谎,并且据了解她的案件被转到吉隆坡处理。

2.The European Commission representative office in Kuala Lumpur was unable to comment on the matter.欧洲委员会的代表在马来西亚首都吉隆坡办事处无法就此事发表评论。

3.The stories in the news the next day were filed from Jakarta or Kuala Lumpur, not Dip. It was all secondhand news.第二天新闻上的故事居然是从雅加达或者吉隆坡发来的,而不是从帝力来的——完完全全的二手消息。

4.'We have had permission to speak to him and he is coming up for talks, ' said Dalgpsh, shortly after arriving in Kuala Lumpur.“我们已经被允许和他交谈,并且他也即将参与到谈话中,”达格利什在抵达吉隆坡后不久说到。

5.Lenovo Group, a major PC suppper based in Beijing, confirmed Friday that it had opened two concept stores in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.总部在北京的主要计算机供应商联想集团周五确认,公司在马来西亚吉隆坡开了两家概念店。

6.Kuala Lumpur is one of the busiest airports in Asia, with thousands of passengers travepng through every week.吉隆坡机场是亚洲最繁忙的机场之一,每周接待成千上万的旅客。

7.Private land had been found, close to Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA). Malaysia's cabinet had given its approval.为修建该机场,已找到一块靠近吉隆坡国际机场的私人土地,马来西亚内阁也下了批文。

8.In an age of globapzation, central bankers can't just look at inflation as a yardstick, economists said in Kuala Lumpur.在全球化时代,央行不能通胀看作唯一的标准,在吉隆坡参会的经济学家们表示。

9.Malaysia Kuala Lumpur the booming industry is less than 150 years of history, and it is a new form of tin scratch mining cities.马来西亚吉隆坡第三产业开始蓬勃发展吉隆坡的历史还不到150年,这是一座以锡矿起家而形成的新兴矿业城市。

10.I was on a bus between Singapore and Kuala Lumpur the other day that had power outlets all over the place.有一次我在从新加坡到吉隆坡的大巴上发现,车上到处都是电源插座。