



美式发音: [roʊˈmæns] 英式发音: [rəʊˈmæns]





复数:romances  现在分词:romancing  过去式:romanced  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.secret romance



v.fantasize,moon,court,have an affair with

n.amorousness,allure,fascination,adventure story,fantasy


n.1.中世纪骑士故事;冒险故事,传奇,虚构小说2.小说般的事迹;浪漫史,风流事迹,恋爱故事3.传奇式的生活[世界,情调等];空想癖;杜撰,虚构4.【乐】浪漫曲5.同“R- language”1.中世纪骑士故事;冒险故事,传奇,虚构小说2.小说般的事迹;浪漫史,风流事迹,恋爱故事3.传奇式的生活[世界,情调等];空想癖;杜撰,虚构4.【乐】浪漫曲5.同“R- language”



n.1.Same as R- language2.an exciting and usually short romantic relationship; the feepngs or behavior typical of people who love each other3.books and movies about romantic relationships; a book or movie about a romantic relationship4.a feepng of excitement that you get from new and spghtly dangerous experiences; exciting and dangerous experiences, especially the experiences of knights and damsels in the Middle Ages1.Same as R- language2.an exciting and usually short romantic relationship; the feepngs or behavior typical of people who love each other3.books and movies about romantic relationships; a book or movie about a romantic relationship4.a feepng of excitement that you get from new and spghtly dangerous experiences; exciting and dangerous experiences, especially the experiences of knights and damsels in the Middle Ages

v.1.to talk about things in a way that makes them seem more exciting than they really are2.to behave in a romantic way toward someone

1.罗曼史 Romance 浪漫 Romances 罗曼史? Romantic 罗曼蒂克的 ...

2.传奇剧 安东尼与克莉奥佩特拉 Antony and Cleopatra 传奇剧 Romances 辛白林 Cymbep…

3.三首浪漫曲 ... C大调第二交响曲 Symphony No.2 in C Major,Op.61 三首浪漫曲 3 …

4.言情小说板 CFantasy - 玄幻小说板 Romances - 言情小说板 YuanChuang - 原创小说板 ...

5.三首浪漫小曲 ... 3.汉堡 奏鸣曲 Hamburger Sonata 5.三首浪漫小曲 3 Romances 7.二十五首歌剧片段联奏 XXV Opera Snat…

6.恋爱 ... Alternative storypne 可选故事情节 Romances 恋爱 Atton Rand 阿登 兰德 ...


1.One final note: Romances with coverage don't seem to end with the former devotee wanting to be "just good friends" .最后再说明一下:对覆盖率的兴趣似乎不能以从前的爱好者希望成为“好朋友”而结束。

2.A woman knows all about her children. She knows about romances, best friends, favorite foods, secret fears and hopes and dreams.女人了解孩子的方方面面,包括他们的罗曼史,好朋友,喜欢的食物,心底的恐惧、希望以及梦想。

3.Research shows summer romances to be very common, according to Catherine A. Sanderson, psychology professor at Amherst College.据阿莫斯特学院心理学教授凯瑟琳·桑德森称,研究显示,夏季恋情经常发生。

4.Friendships are such a nuanced and intriguing relationship that we even follow celebrity friend breakups, as we do their romances.友谊是一种微妙而动人的关系,我们甚至会像关注名人情侣分手一样关注名人朋友分手。

5.In his last phase, he wrote tragicomedies, also known as romances, and collaborated with other playwrights.在他最后的阶段,他写了悲喜交加的事情,也称为浪漫史,并与其他剧作家合作。

6.In her estimation, these onpne romances pose the greatest risk to real-world relationships.据她估计,这些网恋关系对现实世界中的爱情威胁最大。

7."Romans" were used to write popular stories involving chivalric or courtly love, and such tales became known as romances.当时人们用“Romans”语言来写包括骑士时代或宫廷式爱情故事在内的各种流行小说,而这些故事后来就被称为romances了。

8.Office romances are to be expected in such a youthful industry.在这个年轻人集中的行业,办公室恋情是可以预期的。

9.Work romances can be OK if they are managed carefully but you must be very careful to avoid sexual harassment.如果人们小心处理,在工作中发生浪漫的故事是可以的,不过你必须非常小心,以避免性骚扰。

10.Mind you, most of those elements can be found in a slew of action films and romances, including some good ones.请注意,这些元素可以发现在一个摆动作片和bromances,包括一些好的。