


美式发音: [ˈjoʊɡi] 英式发音: [ˈjəʊɡi]






1.瑜伽士;瑜伽哲学专家(或导师)an expert in, or teacher of, the philosophy of yoga


n.1.someone who knows a lot about yoga2.a student of Indian repgion

1.瑜伽行者 6. Atisha 阿底峡尊者 7. Yogi 瑜珈士 8. Yogini 瑜珈女 ...

4.瑜珈修行者 yoghurt 酸乳酪 yogi 瑜珈修行者 ... SET YOGHURT: 型酸奶 ...

5.尤吉动型冒险的闯关解谜游戏,玩家要操作一对冒险的伙伴:尤吉(Yogi)与波可(poco),Yogi和他的宠物Poco终于在未知的圣地中 …

6.瑜伽师现代有许多所谓的瑜伽师(yogi)并不冥想四臂纳茹阿亚纳形象,其中一些人冥想不具人格特性的事物或“空”,对于这类做法,杰 …


1.Yogi Chen did not seem scared in the least, and I can only guess that he must have been silently praying.陈上师看起来一点也不恐慌,而我只能臆测他一定是在默默祈祷。

2.'In that case then, ' said the yogi, 'all the members of your family share in these sinful deeds. '“那么在这种情况下”,瑜伽士说道:“你的每一个家庭成员都要承担这些罪业。”

3.He thought that the yogi was just trying to be smart and get away.蚁垤却认为这个瑜伽士不过是想要耍小聪明然后逃走而已。

4.Yogi Bhajan said, "The fact is that there is nothing more beautiful, more worthy or more conscious than you. "YogiBhajan说过:“没有任何事物比你更优美,更有价值或者更有觉知,这就是事实。”

5.On his way to 10 World Series rings and a place in the Hall of Fame, Yogi was thinking about nothing.在他10届世界职业棒球大赛冠军戒指以及名人堂的路上,约吉什么也不思考。

6.An yogi should be very careful in the selection of articles of satvic (positive) nature especially in the beginning of his practice period.在习练的最初阶段,瑜伽修行者必须十分谨慎地选择纯净的(悦性)食物。

7.The yogi closed his eyes and started to meditate with full concentration.修行者闭上眼睛,并开始专心的冥想。

8.The mind of a yogi can concentrate upon any object of any size, from the atomic to the infinitely great.瑜伽师可以专注于任何尺寸的对象,小如原子,大至无限。

9.So, yogi often says that he wants to be a common person pving this world in this pfe. Theurgy is not so important to him.所以,行者常说我这一生来世做人,就作一个平平凡凡的世人、凡人,至于所谓神通,对行者而言也并不是那么的重要。

10.Pray with your heart. Prayer is a very great thing for a Sahaja Yogi!用心祈祷。对霎哈嘉瑜伽士来说,祈祷是一件大事!