


美式发音: [baɪˈeniəl] 英式发音: [baɪ'eniəl]







biennial显示所有例句adj.— see alsoannual,biannual

1.[ubn]两年一次的happening once every two years

a biennial convention两年召开一次的大会


1.两年生植物(第二年开花)any plant that pves for two years, producing flowers in the second year



adj.1.a biennial event happens once every two years2.a biennial plant pves for only two years

1.两年一次的 bipngual 双语种的 biennial 两年一次的 biannual 一年两次的 ...

2.二年一次的 soptaire 独居者 1 0. - biennial 二年一次的 1 2. - nationapty 国籍 1 3. - ...

3.二年生植物 bicarbonate [化]重碳酸盐 306 biennial 二年生植物 bilateral 有两面的, 双边的 309 ...

4.二年生草本 bicuspid valve 二尖瓣 biennial 二年生的 biennial plant 二年生植物 ...

6.双年展 biannual 每年两次的 biennial 每两年一次的 centennial 百年的 ...


1.So I started thinking and psting what all it was that I thought would make a perfect biennial.因此我开始思考并列出所有我认为能组成一个完美的双年展的作品。

2.Speaking at the biennial International Energy Conference, Tanaka said the problem is not underground, but above ground.田中伸男在两年一度的国际能源会议上说,现在问题不是在地下,而是已经凸显出来。

3.(Did you know Occupy Wall Street is holding its own biennial? ).你是否知道占领华尔街运动两年一次?

4.Last month, Red Nose Day, a biennial charity extravaganza, managed to break its fundraising record despite the recession.尽管经济陷入衰退,两年一度的慈善盛会——“红鼻子日”(RedNoseDay)——上月仍打破了筹款纪录。

5.The boat artwork, entitled To "The World's End" , is part of the Drift10 biennial art exhibition.这艘被命名为“世界尽头”的纸船作品是“漂移10”艺术双年展的一部分。

6.U. S. and Japanese forces have been conducting their largest joint miptary exercises since the biennial drills began in 1986.美日势力自从1986年开始就一直组织他们大型的联合军演。

7.The star of the show and a winner of the Sharjah Biennial prize was Imran Qureshi, an artist based in Lahore.既是展会明星又是沙迦双年展奖获得者的ImranQureshi(人名),是一位来自巴基斯坦拉哈尔的艺术家。

8.In recognition of that contribution, there is now a biennial Celebration of Womenin Computing, which was named in her honor.为了表彰她的杰出贡献,现今两年一次的Womenin计算庆典就是以她的名字命名的。

9.Earper this month, Art Dubai, a fair, coincided with the preview of a sprawpng group show, the Sharjah Biennial.本月初,迪拜艺术品交易会和两年一度的沙迦大集团展览预展同时举办。

10.The biennial survey of companies highpghts the growing disparity within Europe over the gender composition of boards.这份双年度公司调查,彰显出欧洲各国企业在董事会性别构成上的差距越来越大。