


美式发音: [mɑntˈɡʌməri] 英式发音: [məntˈɡʌməri]





un.1.capital city of Alabama, in the center of the state. It is a port on the Alabama River.


6.蒙哥玛利 ZGMF-600 GuAIZ 古亚兹* Montgomery 蒙哥马利级 VTOL FighterVTOL …

8.蒙哥马莉 Morgan 莫根 Montgomery 蒙哥马莉 Na'amai 纳阿美 ...


1.Ms. Montgomery? This is Richard Thomas. I'm sorry to bother you at home, but I've got a bit of a problem.蒙格玛利女士吗?我是理查德·托马斯。真抱歉您在家里还麻烦您。但我出了点小事。

2.In this photo, Taylor appears on a studio lot with Montgomery Cpft, a longtime friend and co-star of the 1951 film "A Place in the Sun. "在这张照片中,泰勒与蒙哥马利·克里弗特在摄影室中,他是她的老朋友,也是1951年的电影《郎心似铁》的联袂主演。

3.He went two or three times to see Mrs. Montgomery, but Mrs. Montgomery had nothing to impart.他曾经去蒙哥马利太太家拜访过二、三次,但她也没有什么可以奉告。

4.Flowers have long been a fixture at the Montgomery Farm Women's Co-op, but a certain crop has really turned heads since fall.在蒙哥马利农场妇女合作社,鲜花长期以来都是一项装饰用品,但有一样东西改变了这一切。

5.The only rowboat scene I knew was the one in which Montgomery Cpft pushes Shelley Winters into the water.我所知的唯一的小舟上的场景是蒙哥马利克利夫特将谢利文斯特推入水中。

6.I often wonder what direction my pfe might have taken if I'd gotten the job at Montgomery Ward.我常想,如果我当年得到了蒙哥马利·沃德的那份工作,我的人生之路又会怎样走呢?

7.Well said Mr. Montgomery, I concur with your approach and I'm sure Dr. Nielsen does as well.Montgomery先生说得很好。我同意你的看法,并相信尼尔森博士也会如此。

8.I am not a bit anxious about my battles If I am anxious I don't fight them, I wait until I am ready. --B. Montgomery, British Marshal.对于要打的仗,我一点儿也不担心。要是担心我就不打。我要等到准备好时才打。英国元帅蒙哥马利。

9.Postmaster General [Montgomery] Blair was the only member of the cabinet to answer 'yes'.布莱尔是唯一对此计划说“是”的内阁成员,财政部长萨尔门。

10.Every 10 years since the 1960s, Montgomery County's voters have approved a real estate levy to help finance the college.自1960年代起,每十年蒙哥马利的选民们就将房地产税收给这个学院。