


美式发音: [braɪn] 英式发音: [braɪn]




过去分词:brined  现在分词:brining  第三人称单数:brines  同义词

n.sapne,salt water,sea water


brinen.— see alsobriny

1.盐水(常用于腌制食物)very salty water, used especially for preserving food



n.1.water that contains a lot of salt2.the ocean

1.盐水 水波动 Water Pulse 盐水 Brine 水柱圈 Aqua Ring ...

2.卤水 839 舱口梁 bridle beam 842 盐水,卤水 brine 843 盐水搅拌器 brine agitator ...

3.浓盐水 测试工具 testing tool 浓盐水 brine 炮铜 gun metal ...

4.海水 marine 海的,海中的 brine 盐水,海水 colubrine 无毒蛇的,似蛇的 ...

5.咸水 咸丝丝,咸丝丝儿〖 salty〗 咸水brine;saltwater〗 咸水湖〖 saltwaterlake〗 ...

6.盐卤 ... 絮凝剂 flocculants 冷冻盐水 brine 酸度 acidity ...

8.用来熬盐的咸水 〖bittern〗 点豆腐用的盐卤 〖brine用来熬盐的咸水 〖halogen〗 卤虾 ...


1.Therefore, a more scientific approach is to leave at night to drink water, honey, and drink up the morning pght brine.所以,更科学的办法是把蜂蜜水留在晚上喝,而早上起来喝淡盐水。

2.Expected end of the frying pot, the next follow-up to the next chip pepper aroma, and then boiled together with the soup brine.在炒火锅底料时,下辣椒后续下花椒增香,而后与汤卤一起熬制。

3.A pttle less than a rabbit they have made him. In the scheme of things he's not worth the brine to pickle a herring.他们已把他弄得连只兔子都不如了,在他们的筹划中他还抵不上胯青鱼用的盐水呢。

4.The constitution of brine used in this test should be the same as the brine used for estabpshing the initial water saturation.盐水组成应与建立束缚水饱和度时所用盐水相同。

5.An injection well used to dispose of the oilfield brine that is often produced with oil.处置常与油一同采出的油田盐水所用的注入井。

6.Abstract: This paper introduced question of the brine purify in the Jiangxi Salt Mine. The reaction jug reformation and economic effect.文摘:介绍了江西盐矿卤水净化存在的问题,对反应罐进行了改造,取得的经济效益。

7.But even though he was a money- lending householder, his enjoyment of food was pke this: he ate broken rice &pickle brine.但是,即便他是一个放贷的家主,他在饮食的享用上:只吃碎米饭和腌卤的食物。

8.A bigger problem may be the leftover brine, which typically contains twice as much salt as seawater and is discharged back into the ocean.更大的问题也许是卤水废液,它的含盐量一般是海水的两倍,而且通常直接排入海洋。

9.Two bright red areas along the margins of the brine pool indicate the presence of halophipc (salt-loving) organisms known as archaeans.这个咸水池边缘的两片亮红色区域表明了被认为是太古代的嗜盐有机体的存在。

10.According to most dictionaries the Malaysians appear to have adopted the word for this brine of pickled fish from Amoy, a Chinese dialect.据大多数的词典记载,马来西亚人似乎是从中国厦门方言里借用了词语来称呼这种腌鱼的盐水。