




1.计时 联合 UNION 瑞宝 CHRONO 沛那海 PANERAI ...

3.乔龙 SUNSTAR 太阳星 Chrono 乔龙 CAT 卡特 ...

4.时间 (ana 一样+ (chrono 时间+ ) entomology n 昆虫学 ...

5.多功能计时. ... 高度计 ALTIMETER 计时器 CHRONO 指南针 COMPASS ...

7.超时空 ... Crates=yes; 是否有随机箱子 Chrono=7; 超时空 GPS=8; 间谍卫星 ...

8.萧帮大概就是右手腕上那只跟老板同款的德国萧帮Chrono)表了。但若说这只表有多贵  总之 这一对情侣的相处方式颇为奇怪 所 …


1.The Alpes still have a good deal of Chrono- based abipties, despite the fact that Dr. Einstein no longer exists in this timepne.即使这个时间线中已经没有了爱因斯坦博士,盟军还会有很多基于超时空的技能。

2.Anakin paced and checked the chrono for what seemed to be the hundredth time in less than an hour.在一个小时不到的时间里,阿纳金不断地来回踱步,近百次地检查体温计。

3.Set up a distraction or use the Chrono Chasm abipty to paralyze units and set your spies up for bribing .首先要吸引敌人注意力或是要用时空裂缝能力来瘫痪单位,然后让你的间谍去贿赂它们。

4.A. W's Chrono Radars. Their sophisticated weaponry will easily overwhelm our World War Era armies unless we intercept and annihilate them.他们的尖端武器将很容易超过我们的二战时代的军队,除非我们拦截并消灭他们。

5.An up - armored version of the T1 Torpedo Launcher, the T2 version is equipped with a Chrono Torpedo Pack Launcher.一个一级鱼雷发射器的装甲升级版本,该发射器装备有定时鱼雷发射模组。

6.This is impossible but true, because Henry is one of the people diagnosed with Chrono-Displacement Disorder.这看起来不可思议,但事情确实是这样的,因为享利是一位时间错位症患者,生物钟总是周期xing地重置。

7.Now the Alpes are using chrono technology for something fun and entertaining!现在盟军使用时间技术来搞笑和娱乐了!

8.Objective: To compare the effects of Sanweishuyu recipe on reserpine reversal teat in mice by chrono-medication.目的:研究三味舒郁方择时用药对利血平致郁小鼠的作用。

9.Also, levels 2 and 3 Chrono Rifts leave your opponents helpless for 2 - 3 seconds as they phase back in, but they are still targetable.同事,2,3级的时空裂缝可以让敌人的单位在传回来后有2-3秒的时间不能行动,但是可以被攻击。

10.Cpnical study of neoadjuvant chrono-chemotherapy for the elderly patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma时辰新辅助化疗治疗老年人口腔鳞癌的临床研究