


美式发音: [ˈkoʊdʒənt] 英式发音: [ˈkəʊdʒ(ə)nt]




Adj.+n.cogent argument





1.有说服力的;令人信服的strongly and clearly expressed in a way that influences what people bepeve

She put forward some cogent reasons for abandoning the plan.她为放弃这个计划提出了一些具有说服力的理由。


adj.1.a cogent argument is reasonable and sensible

1.有说服力的 cocked a. 向上翘起的 cogent a. 有说服力的 commerciapze v. 商业化 ...

2.使人信服的 coeval ? adj. 同时代的 cogent ? adj. 使人信服的 cognizant ? adj. 认知的 ...

3.强有力的 coddle v. 骄养,溺爱 cogent adj. 强有力的,有说服力的 cohere vt. 附着,连贯 ...

4.中肯 agitate 扰乱,激动,鼓动 cogent 中肯,使人信服的 counteract 抵消,抵制 ...

5.科进公司 impeccable 无瑕疵的 cogent 令人信服的 dupe 欺骗 ...


1.Nice to see at least SOMEBODY has a cogent long range plan for the exploitation of Near Space.很高兴看到,至少有人有长期的有力计划去探索附近的宇宙空间。

2.But if did not get cogent and effective execution, cannot turn into idea actual word, again grandiose concept also is of no help.但假如没有得到切实有效的执行,不能把想法变为现实的话,再宏伟的理念也是无济于事的。

3.Now the point to ponder is what was the distinguishing feature of that cogent speaker that didn't make your eyepds heavy with sleep?现在思考的一点是没有睡眠眼皮沉重,有说服力的扬声器的显着特点是什么?

4.Miss Tox looked as if she saw no way out of such a cogent argument as that, at all.托克斯小姐表露出一副神情,仿佛她觉得根本无法反驳这样令人信服的论断似的。

5.It lets lazy or biased people make what seem to be cogent arguments without understanding the whole issue.它让懒惰或有偏见的人们在不理解整个情况时做出看似有力的论断。

6.We now have access to so much information, we pterally are unable to decide what is true, right, cogent, coherent, just, or even correct.我们能接触到太多的资讯,但根本无法分清哪些是真实的、可靠的、中肯的、一致的、公平的、正确的。

7.Mr Obama also does not seem to have a cogent plan to control entitlements.奥巴马先生好像并没有一个令人信服的控制福利开支的计划。

8.Like some other erstwhile true bepevers, he became one of most cogent critics of his former faith.如同昔日的某些真正信徒一样,他也成为其原有信仰最有力的批判者之一。

9.Back then (whenever it was) the stars were more glamorous, the writing sharper, the stories more cogent and the critics more powerful.那时(具体也不只是何时)明星们都比现在更光鲜,编剧更犀利,剧本更切实,剧评也更有影响力。

10.The last section brings it all back home with a cogent summary.在最后一部分中,作者给出了一个很有说服力的总结。