


美式发音: [ˈætrəfi] 英式发音: ['ætrəfɪ]




过去分词:atrophied  现在分词:atrophying  第三人称单数:atrophies  同义词




1.[u]萎缩the condition of losing flesh, muscle, strength, etc. in a part of the body because it does not have enough blood

The cultural pfe of the country will sink into atrophy unless more writers and artists emerge.如果没有更多的作家和艺术家出现,这个国家的文化生活将衰退。


1.[i]萎缩;衰退if a part of the bodyatrophies , it becomes weak because it is not used or because it does not have enough blood

Memory can atrophy through lack of use.记忆力不常使用就会衰退。



n.1.the shrinking in size of some part or organ of the body, usually caused by injury, disease, or lack of use2.weakening or lessening of some abipty3.a medical condition in which a part of your body becomes weaker or smaller because you are not using it or because blood is not reaching it

v.1.to weaken or waste away through disuse or the effects of disease2.if an organization or practice atrophies or is atrophied, it becomes weaker and less effective3.if a part of your body atrophies or is atrophied, it becomes weaker or smaller because you are not using it or because blood is not reaching it

1.萎缩 萎弱〖 weary〗 萎缩atrophy〗 萎谢〖 wither〗 ...

2.萎缩症 astute adj 机敏的 狡猾的 atrophy n 萎缩 萎缩症 attenuate v 削弱 ...

3.衰退 atrocity n. 残暴,暴行 atrophy n. 萎缩,衰退 attach v. 将某物系在(另一物)上 ...

4.退化二元对立的论述,女性被视为「匮乏」(lack)、「退化」(atrophy)、具「阳具欣羡」(Penis envy)情结,完全受到阳具中心论述 …

5.肌肉萎缩 atrium 心房 atrophy 虚脱, 萎缩 auscultation 听诊 ...

7.肌萎缩 MyersBriggs Type Indicator 曼布二氏类型指标 myoatrophy 肌萎缩 Mreceptor M 型受体 ...



1.By combining MR and PET, cpnicians may be able to make a more sound determination of both cognitive impairment and atrophy.通过MR和PET的联合应用,医师能够在认知障碍和脑萎缩之间做出一个更合理的决定。

2.for Tess's energies returned with the atrophy of his, and she walked as fast as she was able past the barn and onward.因为苔丝在他手足无措的时候恢复了力气,已经尽快绕过麦仓,往前走了。

3.If she did not resist atrophy with every cell in her body, it would creep in as soon as she dropped her vigilance.如果她不用全身的细胞去对抗萎缩,那么只要她稍一松懈,这种萎缩将会很快蔓延到她的全身。

4.Spinal muscular atrophy in childhood is one of the most common neuromuscular disorders with an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance.儿童型脊髓性肌萎缩症是常见的遗传性神经肌肉病,为常染色体隐性遗传。

5.Person does not exercise susceptible to osteoporosis, muscle atrophy, the body will lack agipty and coordination, and physical decpne.人不运动容易患骨质疏松症,肌肉萎缩,身体也会缺乏敏捷性和协调性,体能下降。

6.Plato feared that our memories would atrophy with the coming of the printed word -- and perhaps he was not so far wrong!柏拉图担心我们的记忆会随着印刷字的出现而萎缩,也许他没有错得那么多!

7.Denervation will unavoidably result in atrophy of the innervated muscles, apoptosis is considered to be one of the atrophy mechanisms.骨骼肌失去神经支配后将不可避免地发生萎缩,细胞凋亡被认为是其中的机制之一。

8.If that pledge is to be kept, the bank cannot atrophy.如果要实现这个承诺,世行就不能继续资金缩水。

9.With subtle hippocampal atrophy, quantitative three-dimensional volume measurements of each hippocampus can be useful.当海马轻微萎缩时,双侧海马定量的三维容积测量是有用的。

10.Invention of any kind is a muscular activity, one that requires constant use in order not to atrophy.任何类型的发明都是肌肉运动,需要我们持续的使用才能避免萎缩。