


美式发音: [jul] 英式发音: [juːl]





1.圣诞节the festival of Christmas


n.1.an old word meaningChristmas

1.尤尔 Young 扬 Yule 尤尔 Zacharias 扎卡赖亚斯 ...

2.圣诞季节 wore - past tense of wear 穿的过去式 Yule- 圣诞季节 add 加,增加 ...

3.圣诞节 yama 阎罗王 yule (基督教)圣诞节 empire 帝国(安排) ...

4.圣诞节的 6.Yasir 富足的 10.Yule 圣诞节的 2.Zaki 纯洁的 ...

5.圣诞节出生 Yul 来自遥远的地平线 Yule 圣诞节出生 Yuma 酋长之子 ...

6.尤尔节 yolk n. 蛋黄 yule n. 耶诞节 zeal n. 热心, 热诚 ...

8.圣诞时节 ... wore - past tense of wear 穿的过去式 Yule- 圣诞时节 roes - plural of roe = an argument 雌鹿的过去式 ...


1.I was in his office again within a week. Mr. Yule told me he had thought about it. I held my breath. "How does 3800 sound? " he asked.不到一周的时间,我又来到他的办公室。于尔先生告诉我,这事他已经想过了。我屏住呼吸。“3800怎么样?”他问道。

2.At the Yule Ball of 1994, she wore dress robes of red tartan and arranged a rather ugly wreath of thistles around the brim of her hat.1994年的圣诞舞会上,她穿着红色格子呢的长袍还在帽檐上装饰了一圈很难看的蓟草花环。更详细。

3.Mr. Yule put down his paper and removed his glasses. Then he pointed to a couple of chairs, and we sat down.于尔先生放下手中的报纸,摘掉眼镜,然后朝一对椅子指了指,我们就坐了下来。

4.Immigrants brought the Yule Log tradition to the U. S. The custom still exists, mostly in old, rural homes with large open fireplaces.在大部分古老的农村家庭里,拥有大的户外壁炉,至今仍然保留着这个习俗。

5.As a result, Yule decided to sell off the apartment and move to a smaller unit.宇乐打算卖了公寓,搬到小一点的地方去住,以后再看着办。

6.In Germany, the evergreen tree was used in worship and celebration of the Yule god, also in observance of the resurrected sun god.在德国,常绿树用于礼拜和庆祝圣诞节之神,也是在纪念复活的太阳神。

7.Up until the 19th century, the custom of burning the Yule log flourished in England, France, Germany and among the South Slavs .直至19世纪为止,烧圣诞柴的习俗在英格兰、法国、德国和斯堪的纳维亚南部等地区依然相当流行。

8.although ginny weasley went to the yule ball with neville longbottom , she cast furtive glances at harry , hoping not to be detected.虽然金妮和奈威连袂参加耶诞舞会,但她偷偷瞥了哈利一眼,希望别人没有瞧见。

9.In Proto-Germanic mythology, the god Odin would host a great hunting party for the gods and fallen warriors each year at Yule.在德国古老的神话中,欧丁神会在圣诞节那天为众神和死去的勇士举办盛大的狩猎狂欢会。

10.The Yule Log on TV is a relatively new tradition for those who have no fireplace to burn their own log.而电视圣诞柴则是个相对较新的传统,主要是为那些没有烧柴壁炉的人家而设的。