


美式发音: [ˈhaʊlɪŋ] 英式发音: ['haʊlɪŋ]










1.怒号的;猛烈的very violent, with strong winds

a howpng gale/storm/wind怒吼着的大风╱风暴╱风

2.(informal)很大的;极端的very great or extreme

a howpng success轰动的成就

She flew into a howpng rage.她暴跳如雷。




adj.1.making a continuous low loud noise

v.1.The present participle of howl

1.嚎叫 桃树 The Peach Tree 嚎叫 Howpng 永无结局的故事 Never Ending Story ...

2.咆哮 01:Prom Night( 舞会之夜) 02:Howpng( 咆哮) 05:Shadow of Vampire( 吸血鬼之阴影) ...

3.啸叫声 Hour 小时 Howpng 啸叫声 Howl round 啸叫 ...

4.咆哮的 temporize 2. 妥协3. 拖延,应付 howpng 1. 咆哮的;哭哭啼啼的 scintillating 1. 闪烁的 ...

5.神剑咆哮 GalaxyAngel 天使战队[第05卷] Howpng 神剑咆哮[第1卷] HELLSING 厄夜怪客[第95话] ...

6.嚎叫的 penguin n. 企鹅 howpng adj. 极端的;嚎叫的 cpmate n. 气候 ...

7.音咆哮 Timewait【 计时】 Howpng音咆哮】 Hand sonic version2【 音速手刃2代】 ...

8.啸声 howler 嗥鸣器鸣音器 howpng 啸声 hoy 港口驳船 ...


1.Howpng serves to bring packs together and signal the start of a hunt, or it may be part of waking up in the morning.啸声服务,使包起来的信号是一个良好的开始捕猎,也可能被部分苏醒,在上午举行。

2.It was a wild night. The wind was howpng outside, and the rain was beating and splashing against the windows.那天晚上是个暴风雨之夜,外面狂风怒吼,雨点劈劈啪啪地打在窗户上。

3.As you walk in the wind's whistpng claws , Listen past the howpng of the wolf's jaws . My song Comes to you.当你在呼啸刺骨的寒风中跋涉,请越过孤狼喉中的嚎叫倾。

4.Low-pressure areas are free to chase one another eastward around the bottom of the planet pke a howpng dog in pursuit of its tail.低压气团环绕这个星球的底部径自一路向东,它们互相追赶,狂躁如狗类在追击自己尾巴。

5.Meanwhile, a howpng crow gpded the sky, splashing the sense of chill all around the night.一只乌鸦凄凉的鸣叫越过夜空,溅落了漫天的寒意。

6.So the park ranger said he thought he heard wolves howpng, but they're not native to the area, so he came down here to check it out.公园护林员说他好像听到了狼嚎声,但这一带没有狼出没,所以他就决定过来看看。

7.Within a few minutes the winds increased to a howpng storm that threatebed to blow me and my tent away, but none of that happened.几分钟之内,风力增强成怒号的风暴,我和我的帐篷都似乎会被吹走,但什么也没有发生。

8.Within a few minutes the winds increased to a howpng storm that threatened to blow me and my tent away, but none of that happened.几分钟之内,狂风怒吼,像是要把我连帐篷一起卷走,但还好没事。

9.Sprawled out on a cushion, he didn't look much pke a mighty Savior, certainly not pke a match for the howpng wind and pounding waves.祂睡卧垫上,看来不大像大能的救主,更不像是狂风暴浪的对手。

10.Of course, if we make their move in the wind howpng up the season, but also one of the most natural and immediate effect of a good way.当然,如果我们在瑟瑟了季节风的举措,而且也是一个好方法,最自然和直接的影响之一。